% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/FIN_plot.R
\title{Plot simulation result}
method = NULL,
comp_remove = "none",
ci = TRUE,
sep_compartments = FALSE,
trans = FALSE,
known = NULL,
start_date = ymd("2020-03-21"),
Christina Azodi
x_axis = "Date (MM-DD)",
plot_title = "",
return_df = TRUE,
market.share = 0.04,
icu_percent = 0.1,
sim_population = 1000,
\item{x}{An seiqhrf object returned from function \code{\link{seiqhrf}}.}
\item{method}{If "times", plot Duration frequency distributions.
If "weekly_local", plot local weekly estimates from simulation.
If NULL, plot sirplus plots.}
\item{comp_remove}{Compartments to remove. Suggest c(s.num, r.num)}
\item{time_limit}{Number of steps (days) to plot.}
\item{ci}{T/F to include 95\% confidence intervals in sirplus plot.}
\item{sep_compartments}{T/F use faceting to show each compartment in a
separate plot, only works if plotting a single simulation.}
\item{trans}{Y-axis transformation (e.g. log2, log10). Default = none.}
\item{known}{Dataframe with known compartment numbers to plot alongside
\item{start_date}{Date for day 0. Default: ymd("2020-03-21"),}
\item{show_start_date}{First date to show in plots. Use ymd format. If FALSE,
shows from step 1. Default: FALSE}
Christina Azodi
\item{x_axis}{Title for x-axis. Default: 'Date (MM-DD)'}
Christina Azodi
\item{plot_title}{Title for whole plot. Default: ''}
\item{return_df}{In effect only when method == "weekly", if TRUE returns
also the dataframe used for plotting as well as the ggplot object.}
\item{market.share}{between 0 and 1, percentage of local hospital beds in
the simulated unit (e.g. state)}
\item{icu_percent}{between 0 and 1, percentage of patients that should go to
ICU among the ones that need hospitalization}
\item{sim_population}{Size of population simulated. Only needed if providing
\item{total_population}{True population size, needed only if simulation size
is smaller than the true population size due to computational cost
\item{...}{Additional parameters}