- Jun 08, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
measure distances function outputs data frame with pass and fails. count foci includes an estimate of foci NOT colocalizing in cell area
- Jun 04, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
when knitting count_foci with annotate = on, includes a 2 channel image which only contains coincident foci
Lucy McNeill authored
add optional input test_amount in auto_crop, where it only crops this number of original images. designed for troubleshooting parameter choices etc
Lucy McNeill authored
add optional input test_amount in auto_crop, where it only crops this number of original images. designed for troubleshooting parameter choices etc
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
- Jun 03, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
- Jun 01, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
update get_pachytene to exclude late phases via eccentricity/ total area of SCs. Update count_foci to output percent of foci which colocalise with SCs
Lucy McNeill authored
update get_pachytene to exclude late phases via eccentricity/ total area of SCs. Update count_foci to output percent of foci which colocalise with SCs
- May 28, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
foci counting now only requires user to input the path where images are stored. Outputs a data frame with properties for each cell to do e.g. significance testing in using_synapsis_test.Rmd
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 21, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 20, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
all functions documented and can be built (with documentation) successfully in Rstudio using -install and restart- and then devtools::document()
Lucy McNeill authored
all functions documented and can be built (with documentation) successfully in Rstudio using -install and restart- and then devtools::document()
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 18, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
attempt to fix issue #1: modify plotting orders measure_distances.R to stop plot.new not called error
- May 13, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 07, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 04, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
- May 03, 2021
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored
Lucy McNeill authored