Lucy McNeill authoredLucy McNeill authored
get_pachytene.R 1.78 KiB
get_pachytene <- function(file_list, img_path)
# input :
# output : a bunch of output jpegs? Or save them all?
cell_count <- 0
image_count <-0
pair <- 0
pachytene_count <- 0
## for each image that is *-dna.jpeg,
for (file in file_list){
if(grepl("*dna.jpeg$", file)){
file_dna = file
image_count <- image_count +1
image <- readImage(file_dna)
img_orig <- channel(image, "grey")
pair <- 0
if(grepl("*foci.jpeg$", file)){
file_foci = file
image <- readImage(file_foci)
img_orig_foci <- channel(image, "gray")
# call functions: get
pair <- 1
if(pair ==1){
#### now see which have the right amount of strands
disc = makeBrush(21, "disc")
disc = disc / sum(disc)
localBackground = filter2(new_img, disc)
# lax
offset = 0.1
# strict
#offset = 0.2
nucBadThresh_crop = (new_img - localBackground > offset)
strands <- bwlabel(nucBadThresh_crop)
color_img_strands<- colorLabels(strands, normalize = TRUE)
num_strands <- computeFeatures.shape(strands)
num_strands <- data.frame(num_strands)
#### segment the strands
if (width(num_strands)<22 && width(num_strands)>5){
### identified a good image. count foci
pachytene_count <- pachytene_count + 1
filename_crop = paste0("./pachytene/", file,"-dna.jpeg")
writeImage(img_orig, filename_crop)
filename_crop_foci = paste0("./pachytene/", file, "-foci.jpeg")
writeImage(img_orig_foci, filename_crop_foci)
print("number of cells kept")