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Commit 7d1fcd34 authored by Luke Zappia's avatar Luke Zappia
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Add density sampling option for means, lib sizes

parent 84cdda8f
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Package: splatter
Type: Package
Title: Simple Simulation of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data
Date: 2019-08-21
Date: 2019-08-22
Author: Luke Zappia
c(person("Luke", "Zappia", role = c("aut", "cre"),
### Version (2019-08-22)
* Add density sampling options for means and library sizes
### Version (2019-08-21)
* Replace library size log-normal with density and rejection sampling
......@@ -279,7 +279,13 @@ setClass("SplatParams",
#' the expression outlier factor log-normal distribution.}
#' \item{\code{mean.outFacScale}}{Scale (sdlog) parameter for the
#' expression outlier factor log-normal distribution.}
#' \item{\code{mean.values}}{Vector of means for each gene.}
#' \item{\code{mean.dens}}{\code{\link{density}} object describing
#' the log gene mean density.}
#' \item{\code{[mean.method]}}{Method to use for simulating gene
#' means. Either "fit" to sample from a gamma distribution (with
#' expression outliers) or "density" to sample from the provided
#' density object.}
#' \item{\code{[mean.values]}}{Vector of means for each gene.}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\emph{Network parameters}}{
......@@ -306,6 +312,9 @@ setClass("SplatParams",
#' distribution is used.}
#' \item{\code{lib.dens}}{\code{\link{density}} object describing
#' the library size density.}
#' \item{\code{[lib.method]}}{Method to use for simulating library
#' sizes. Either "fit" to sample from a log-normal distribution or
#' "density" to sample from the provided density object.}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\emph{Paths parameters}}{
......@@ -331,6 +340,8 @@ setClass("SplotchParams",
mean.outProb = "numeric",
mean.outLoc = "numeric",
mean.outScale = "numeric",
mean.dens = "density",
mean.method = "character",
mean.values = "numeric",
network.graph = "ANY",
network.nRegs = "numeric",
......@@ -341,12 +352,16 @@ setClass("SplotchParams",
lib.loc = "numeric",
lib.scale = "numeric",
lib.dens = "density",
lib.method = "character", = "data.frame"),
prototype = prototype(mean.rate = 0.3,
mean.shape = 0.6,
mean.outProb = 0.05,
mean.outLoc = 4,
mean.outScale = 0.5,
mean.dens = density(rgamma(10000, rate = 0.3,
shape = 0.6)),
mean.method = "fit",
mean.values = numeric(),
network.graph = NULL,
network.nRegs = 100,
......@@ -361,6 +376,7 @@ setClass("SplotchParams",
lib.loc = 11,
lib.scale = 0.2,
lib.dens = density(rlnorm(10000, 11, 0.2)),
lib.method = "fit", = data.frame(
Path = 1,
Probability = 1,
......@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ setValidity("SplotchParams", function(object) {
mean.outProb = checkNumber(v$mean.outProb, lower = 0, upper = 1),
mean.outLoc = checkNumber(v$mean.outLoc),
mean.outScale = checkNumber(v$mean.outScale, lower = 0),
mean.dens = checkmate::checkClass(v$mean.dens, "density"),
mean.method = checkmate::checkChoice(v$mean.method,
c("fit", "density")),
network.graph = checkmate::checkClass(v$network, "igraph",
null.ok = TRUE),
network.nRegs = checkmate::checkInt(v$network.nRegs,
......@@ -40,6 +43,8 @@ setValidity("SplotchParams", function(object) {
lib.loc = checkmate::checkNumber(v$lib.loc),
lib.scale = checkmate::checkNumber(v$lib.scale, lower = 0),
lib.dens = checkmate::checkClass(v$lib.dens, "density"),
lib.method = checkmate::checkChoice(v$lib.method,
c("fit", "density")), = checkmate::checkDataFrame(v$,
types = "numeric",
any.missing = FALSE,
......@@ -124,6 +129,8 @@ setMethod("show", "SplotchParams", function(object) {
"(Out Prob)" = "mean.outProb",
"(Out Location)" = "mean.outLoc",
"(Out Scale)" = "mean.outScale",
"(Density)" = "mean.density",
"[Method]" = "mean.method",
"[Values]*" = "mean.values")) <- list("Network:" = c("[Graph]" = "network.graph",
......@@ -135,7 +142,8 @@ setMethod("show", "SplotchParams", function(object) { <- list("Library size:" = c("(Location)" = "lib.loc",
"(Scale)" = "lib.scale",
"(Density)" = "lib.dens"),
"(Density)" = "lib.dens",
"[Method]" = "lib.method"),
"Cells:" = c("[Design]" = ""))
paths.means <- getParam(object, "paths.means")
......@@ -205,10 +213,12 @@ setMethod("setParam", "SplotchParams", function(object, name, value) {
if (name == "network.graph") {
checkmate::assertClass(value, "igraph")
object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "nGenes", igraph::gorder(value))
if (!(length(getParam(object, "mean.values")) == 0)) {
warning("changing network.graph resets mean.values")
object <- setParam(object, "mean.values", numeric())
if (getParam(object, "nGenes") != igraph::gorder(value)) {
if (!(length(getParam(object, "mean.values")) == 0)) {
warning("changing network.graph resets mean.values")
object <- setParam(object, "mean.values", numeric())
object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "nGenes", igraph::gorder(value))
if ("IsReg" %in% igraph::vertex_attr_names(value)) {
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ splotchEstMean <- function(norm.counts, params, verbose) {
med <- median(lmeans)
mad <- mad(lmeans)
bound <- med + 1 * mad
bound <- med + 2 * mad
outs <- which(lmeans > bound)
......@@ -88,13 +88,16 @@ splotchEstMean <- function(norm.counts, params, verbose) {
if (length(outs) > 1) {
facs <- means[outs] / median(means)
fit <- selectFit(facs, "lnorm", verbose = verbose)
#fit <- selectFit(facs, "lnorm", verbose = verbose)
fit <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(facs, "lnorm")
params <- setParams(params,
mean.outLoc = unname(fit$estimate["meanlog"]),
mean.outScale = unname(fit$estimate["sdlog"]))
params <- setParams(params, mean.dens = density(lmeans))
......@@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ selectFit <- function(data, distr, weights = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
scores <- fitdistrplus::gofstat(fits)$cvm
# Flatten in case scores is a list
scores.flat <- unlist(scores)
selected <- which(scores.flat == min(scores.flat, na.rm = TRUE))
......@@ -146,20 +146,30 @@ splotchSimGeneMeans <- function(params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating means...")}
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
mean.outProb <- getParam(params, "mean.outProb")
mean.outLoc <- getParam(params, "mean.outLoc")
mean.outScale <- getParam(params, "mean.outScale")
mean.values <- rgamma(nGenes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, mean.outProb, 0, mean.outLoc,
median.means.gene <- median(mean.values)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
mean.values[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
mean.method <- getParam(params, "mean.method")
if (mean.method == "fit") {
if (verbose) {message("Sampling from gamma distribution...")}
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
mean.outProb <- getParam(params, "mean.outProb")
mean.outLoc <- getParam(params, "mean.outLoc")
mean.outScale <- getParam(params, "mean.outScale")
mean.values <- rgamma(nGenes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, mean.outProb, 0, mean.outLoc,
median.means.gene <- median(mean.values)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
mean.values[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
} else if (mean.method == "density") {
if (verbose) {message("Sampling from density object...")}
mean.dens <- getParam(params, "mean.dens")
mean.values <- exp(sampleDensity(nGenes, mean.dens, lower = -Inf))
params <- setParam(params, "mean.values", mean.values)
......@@ -242,12 +252,20 @@ splotchSimLibSizes <- function(sim, params, verbose) {
if (verbose) {message("Simulating library sizes...")}
nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
# lib.loc <- getParam(params, "lib.loc")
# lib.scale <- getParam(params, "lib.scale")
lib.dens <- getParam(params, "lib.dens")
lib.method <- getParam(params, "lib.method")
# exp.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
exp.lib.sizes <- rejectionSample(nCells, lib.dens)
if (lib.method == "fit") {
if (verbose) {message("Sampling from log-normal distribution...")}
lib.loc <- getParam(params, "lib.loc")
lib.scale <- getParam(params, "lib.scale")
exp.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
} else if (lib.method == "density") {
if (verbose) {message("Sampling from density object...")}
lib.dens <- getParam(params, "lib.dens")
exp.lib.sizes <- sampleDensity(nCells, lib.dens)
colData(sim)$ExpLibSize <- exp.lib.sizes
......@@ -352,7 +370,7 @@ getBetaStepProbs <- function(steps, alpha, beta) {
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
rejectionSample <- function(n, dens, lower = 0) {
sampleDensity <- function(n, dens, lower = 0) {
xmin <- min(dens$x)
xmax <- max(dens$x)
......@@ -29,7 +29,13 @@ The Splotch simulation uses the following parameters:
the expression outlier factor log-normal distribution.}
\item{\code{mean.outFacScale}}{Scale (sdlog) parameter for the
expression outlier factor log-normal distribution.}
\item{\code{mean.values}}{Vector of means for each gene.}
\item{\code{mean.dens}}{\code{\link{density}} object describing
the log gene mean density.}
\item{\code{[mean.method]}}{Method to use for simulating gene
means. Either "fit" to sample from a gamma distribution (with
expression outliers) or "density" to sample from the provided
density object.}
\item{\code{[mean.values]}}{Vector of means for each gene.}
\item{\emph{Network parameters}}{
......@@ -56,6 +62,9 @@ The Splotch simulation uses the following parameters:
distribution is used.}
\item{\code{lib.dens}}{\code{\link{density}} object describing
the library size density.}
\item{\code{[lib.method]}}{Method to use for simulating library
sizes. Either "fit" to sample from a log-normal distribution or
"density" to sample from the provided density object.}
\item{\emph{Paths parameters}}{
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