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Commit 0e4f7aa2 authored by Luke Zappia's avatar Luke Zappia
Browse files

Rename n.genes, n.cells, n.groups for consistency

parent 63d2b234
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Package: splatter
Type: Package
Title: Simple Simulation of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data
Version: 0.3.17
Version: 0.3.18
Date: 2016-10-11
Author: Luke Zappia
Authors@R: as.person(c(
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ checkParams <- function(params) {
# Define which parameters are allowed to be vectors
vectors <- c("groupCells", "path.from", "path.length", "path.skew")
n.groups <- length(getParams(params, "groupCells"))
nGroups <- length(getParams(params, "groupCells"))
for (idx in seq_along(types)) {
name <- names(types)[idx]
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ checkParams <- function(params) {
if (name %in% vectors) {
if (any( {
stop(name, " is a vector and contains NA values")
} else if (length(value) != n.groups) {
} else if (length(value) != nGroups) {
stop("length of ", name, " must be 1 or the length of ",
"the groupCells parameter")
......@@ -385,11 +385,11 @@ checkParams <- function(params) {
# Check groupCells matches nCells, nGroups
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
n.groups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nGroups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
group.cells <- getParams(params, "groupCells")
if (!all( &&
(n.cells != sum(group.cells) || n.groups != length(group.cells))) {
(nCells != sum(group.cells) || nGroups != length(group.cells))) {
stop("nCells, nGroups and groupCells are not consistent")
......@@ -399,9 +399,9 @@ checkParams <- function(params) {
if (!all( {
if (!(0 %in% path.from)) {
stop("origin must be specified in path.from")
} else if (any(path.from > n.groups)) {
} else if (any(path.from > nGroups)) {
stop("values in path.from cannot be greater than number of paths")
} else if (any(path.from == 1:n.groups)) {
} else if (any(path.from == 1:nGroups)) {
stop("path cannot begin at itself")
......@@ -486,21 +486,21 @@ defaultParams <- function() {
#' }
expandPathParams <- function(params) {
n.groups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
nGroups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
path.from <- getParams(params, "path.from")
path.length <- getParams(params, "path.length")
path.skew <- getParams(params, "path.skew")
if (length(path.from) == 1) {
params <- setParams(params, path.from = rep(path.from, n.groups))
params <- setParams(params, path.from = rep(path.from, nGroups))
if (length(path.length) == 1) {
params <- setParams(params, path.length = rep(path.length, n.groups))
params <- setParams(params, path.length = rep(path.length, nGroups))
if (length(path.skew) == 1) {
params <- setParams(params, path.skew = rep(path.skew, n.groups))
params <- setParams(params, path.skew = rep(path.skew, nGroups))
......@@ -116,22 +116,22 @@ splat <- function(params = defaultParams(), method = c("groups", "paths"),
params <- expandPathParams(params)
# Get the parameters we are going to use
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
n.groups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nGroups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
group.cells <- getParams(params, "groupCells")
# Set up name vectors
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", 1:n.cells)
gene.names <- paste0("Gene", 1:n.genes)
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", 1:nCells)
gene.names <- paste0("Gene", 1:nGenes)
if (method == "groups") {
group.names <- paste0("Group", 1:n.groups)
group.names <- paste0("Group", 1:nGroups)
} else if (method == "paths") {
group.names <- paste0("Path", 1:n.groups)
group.names <- paste0("Path", 1:nGroups)
# Create SCESet with dummy counts to store simulation
dummy.counts <- matrix(1, ncol = n.cells, nrow = n.genes)
dummy.counts <- matrix(1, ncol = nCells, nrow = nGenes)
rownames(dummy.counts) <- gene.names
colnames(dummy.counts) <- cell.names
phenos <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(Cell = cell.names))
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ splat <- function(params = defaultParams(), method = c("groups", "paths"),
# Make groups vector which is the index of param$groupCells repeated
# params$groupCells[index] times
groups <- lapply(1:n.groups, function(i, g) {rep(i, g[i])},
groups <- lapply(1:nGroups, function(i, g) {rep(i, g[i])},
g = group.cells)
groups <- unlist(groups)
pData(sim)$Group <- group.names[groups]
......@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ splatPaths <- function(params = defaultParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
#' @importFrom stats rlnorm
simLibSizes <- function(sim, params) {
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
lib.loc <- getParams(params, "lib.loc")
lib.scale <- getParams(params, "lib.scale")
exp.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(n.cells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
exp.lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
pData(sim)$ExpLibSize <- exp.lib.sizes
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ simLibSizes <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom stats rgamma median
simGeneMeans <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
mean.shape <- getParams(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParams(params, "mean.rate")
out.prob <- getParams(params, "out.prob")
......@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ simGeneMeans <- function(sim, params) {
out.facScale <- getParams(params, "out.facScale")
# Simulate base gene means
base.means.gene <- rgamma(n.genes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
base.means.gene <- rgamma(nGenes, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
# Add expression outliers
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(n.genes, out.prob, out.loProb, out.facLoc,
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, out.prob, out.loProb, out.facLoc,
median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ simGeneMeans <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom Biobase fData pData
simGroupDE <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
de.prob <- getParams(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParams(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParams(params, "de.facLoc")
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ simGroupDE <- function(sim, params) {
group.names <- unique(pData(sim)$Group)
for ( in group.names) {
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(n.genes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc,
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc,
group.means.gene <- means.gene * de.facs
fData(sim)[[paste0("DEFac",]] <- de.facs
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ simGroupDE <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom Biobase fData pData
simPathDE <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
de.prob <- getParams(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParams(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParams(params, "de.facLoc")
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ simPathDE <- function(sim, params) {
} else {
means.gene <- fData(sim)[[paste0("GeneMeanPath", from)]]
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(n.genes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc,
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(nGenes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc,
path.means.gene <- means.gene * de.facs
fData(sim)[[paste0("DEFacPath", path)]] <- de.facs
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ simPathDE <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom Biobase fData pData assayData assayData<-
simGroupCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
n.groups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
nGroups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
cell.names <- pData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- fData(sim)$Gene
groups <- pData(sim)$Group
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ simGroupCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
exp.lib.sizes <- pData(sim)$ExpLibSize
group.means.gene <- fData(sim)[, paste0("GeneMean", group.names)]
if (n.groups == 1) {
if (nGroups == 1) {
group.means.gene <- matrix(group.means.gene)
colnames(group.means.gene) <- "GeneMeanGroup1"
......@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ simGroupCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
n.groups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nGroups <- getParams(params, "nGroups")
group.cells <- getParams(params, "groupCells")
path.from <- getParams(params, "path.from")
path.length <- getParams(params, "path.length")
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
exp.lib.sizes <- pData(sim)$ExpLibSize
# Generate paths. Each path is a matrix with path.length columns and
# n.genes rows where the expression from each genes changes along the path.
# nGenes rows where the expression from each genes changes along the path.
path.steps <- lapply(seq_along(path.from), function(idx) {
from <- path.from[idx]
# Find the means at the starting position
......@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
means.end <- fData(sim)[[paste0("GeneMeanPath", idx)]]
# Select genes to follow a non-linear path
is.nonlinear <- as.logical(rbinom(n.genes, 1, path.nonlinearProb))
sigma.facs <- rep(0, n.genes)
is.nonlinear <- as.logical(rbinom(nGenes, 1, path.nonlinearProb))
sigma.facs <- rep(0, nGenes)
sigma.facs[is.nonlinear] <- path.sigmaFac
# Build Brownian bridges from start to end
steps <- buildBridges(means.start, means.end, n = path.length[idx],
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
# Randomly assign a position in the appropriate path to each cell
cell.steps <- lapply(1:n.groups, function(idx) {
cell.steps <- lapply(1:nGroups, function(idx) {
path.probs <- seq(path.skew[idx], 1 - path.skew[idx],
length = path.length[idx])
path.probs <- path.probs / sum(path.probs)
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
# Collect the underlying expression levels for each cell
cell.means.gene <- lapply(1:n.groups, function(idx) {
cell.means.gene <- lapply(1:nGroups, function(idx) {
cell.means <- path.steps[[idx]][, cell.steps[[idx]]]
......@@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ simPathCellMeans <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom stats rchisq rgamma
simBCVMeans <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
bcv.common <- getParams(params, "bcv.common")
bcv.DF <- getParams(params, "bcv.DF")
cell.names <- pData(sim)$Cell
......@@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ simBCVMeans <- function(sim, params) {
base.means.cell <- assayData(sim)$BaseCellMeans
bcv <- (bcv.common + (1 / sqrt(base.means.cell))) *
sqrt(bcv.DF / rchisq(n.genes, df = bcv.DF))
sqrt(bcv.DF / rchisq(nGenes, df = bcv.DF))
means.cell <- matrix(rgamma(n.genes * n.cells, shape = 1 / (bcv ^ 2),
means.cell <- matrix(rgamma(nGenes * nCells, shape = 1 / (bcv ^ 2),
scale = base.means.cell * (bcv ^ 2)),
nrow = n.genes, ncol = n.cells)
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
colnames(bcv) <- cell.names
rownames(bcv) <- gene.names
......@@ -509,14 +509,14 @@ simBCVMeans <- function(sim, params) {
#' @importFrom stats rpois
simTrueCounts <- function(sim, params) {
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
cell.names <- pData(sim)$Cell
gene.names <- fData(sim)$Gene
cell.means <- assayData(sim)$CellMeans
true.counts <- matrix(rpois(n.genes * n.cells, lambda = cell.means),
nrow = n.genes, ncol = n.cells)
true.counts <- matrix(rpois(nGenes * nCells, lambda = cell.means),
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
colnames(true.counts) <- cell.names
rownames(true.counts) <- gene.names
......@@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ simDropout <- function(sim, params) {
true.counts <- assayData(sim)$TrueCounts
if (dropout.present) {
n.cells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
n.genes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
nCells <- getParams(params, "nCells")
nGenes <- getParams(params, "nGenes")
dropout.mid <- getParams(params, "dropout.mid")
dropout.shape <- getParams(params, "dropout.shape")
cell.names <- pData(sim)$Cell
......@@ -557,14 +557,14 @@ simDropout <- function(sim, params) {
# Generate probabilites based on expression
lib.sizes <- colSums(true.counts)
cell.facs <- log(lib.sizes) / median(lib.sizes)
drop.prob <- sapply(1:n.cells, function(idx) {
drop.prob <- sapply(1:nCells, function(idx) {
eta <- cell.facs[idx] * (log(cell.means[, idx]))
return(logistic(eta, x0 = dropout.mid, k = dropout.shape))
# Decide which counts to keep
keep <- matrix(rbinom(n.cells * n.genes, 1, 1 - drop.prob),
nrow = n.genes, ncol = n.cells)
keep <- matrix(rbinom(nCells * nGenes, 1, 1 - drop.prob),
nrow = nGenes, ncol = nCells)
counts <- true.counts * keep
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