Christina Azodi authoredChristina Azodi authored
epimodels-SEIQHRF.Rmd 3.31 KiB
title: "sirPLUS models"
date: "Last updated: 23 March 2020"
toc: true
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vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{sirPLUS models}
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comment = "#>"
Backgrouund on the SEIQHRF (SIR + extra compartments) model
Testing implementation of SEIQHRF (see Tim Churches"'" blog post in an R package.
Compartment | Functional definition |
S | Susceptible individuals |
E | Exposed and infected, not yet symptomatic but potentially infectious |
I | Infected, symptomatic and infectious |
Q | Infectious, but (self-)isolated |
H | Requiring hospitalisation (would normally be hospitalised if capacity available) |
R | Recovered, immune from further infection |
F | Case fatality (death due to COVID-19, not other causes) |
library(earlyR, lib.loc = '/mnt/mcfiles/rlyu/Software/R/3.6/Rlib')
library(epitrix, lib.loc = '/mnt/mcfiles/rlyu/Software/R/3.6/Rlib')
Simulate baseline model
control <- set.control()
param <- set.param()
init <- set.init(s.num = 10000, i.num = 10, q.num = 9, h.num = 1)
baseline_sim <- simulate(param, init, control)
Inspect baseline simulations
times <- get_times(baseline_sim)
times %>% filter(duration <= 30) %>% ggplot(aes(x = duration)) +
geom_bar() + facet_grid(period_type ~ ., scales = "free_y") +
labs(title = "Duration frequency distributions", subtitle = "Baseline simulation")
baseline_plot_df <- baseline_sim$df %>% # use only the prevalence columns
select(time, s.num, e.num, i.num, q.num, h.num, r.num, f.num) %>%
# examine only the first 100 days since it is all over by
# then using the default parameters
filter(time <= 100) %>% pivot_longer(-c(time), names_to = "compartment",
values_to = "count")
# define a standard set of colours to represent compartments
compcols <- c(s.num = "yellow", e.num = "orange", i.num = "red",
q.num = "cyan", h.num = "magenta", r.num = "lightgreen",
f.num = "black")
complabels <- c(s.num = "Susceptible", e.num = "Infected/asymptomatic",
i.num = "Infected/infectious", q.num = "Self-isolated", h.num = "Requires hospitalisation",
r.num = "Recovered", f.num = "Case fatality")
baseline_plot_df %>% ggplot(aes(x = time, y = count, colour = compartment)) +
geom_line(size = 2, alpha = 0.7) + scale_colour_manual(values = compcols,
labels = complabels) + theme_dark() + labs(title = "Baseline simulation",
x = "Days since beginning of epidemic", y = "Prevalence (persons)")