Luke Zappia authoredLuke Zappia authored
test-splat-simulate.R 940 B
context("Splatter simulations")
test.params <- newSplatParams(nGenes = 100, groupCells = c(5, 5), lib.scale = 0)
test_that("splatSimulate output is valid", {
expect_true(validObject(splatSimulate(test.params, method = "single")))
expect_true(validObject(splatSimulate(test.params, method = "groups")))
expect_true(validObject(splatSimulate(test.params, method = "paths")))
test_that("one group switches to single mode", {
expect_warning(splatSimulate(test.params, method = "groups",
groupCells = c(10)),
"nGroups is 1, switching to single mode")
expect_silent(splatSimulate(test.params, method = "paths",
groupCells = c(10), verbose = FALSE))
test_that("infinite bcv.df is detected", {
expect_warning(splatSimulate(test.params, bcv.df = Inf),
"'bcv.df' is infinite. This parameter will be ignored.")