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#' Compare SCESet objects
#' Combine the data from several SCESet objects and produce some basic plots
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#' comparing them.
#' @param sces named list of SCESet objects to combine and compare.
#' @details
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#' The returned list has three items:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{FeatureData}}{Combined feature data from the provided
#'     SCESets.}
#'     \item{\code{PhenoData}}{Combined pheno data from the provided SCESets.}
#'     \item{\code{Plots}}{Comparison plots
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{Means}}{Violin plot of mean distribution.}
#'             \item{\code{Variances}}{Violin plot of variance distribution.}
#'             \item{\code{MeanVar}}{Scatter plot with fitted lines showing the
#'             mean-variance relationship.}
#'             \item{\code{LibraySizes}}{Boxplot of the library size
#'             distribution.}
#'             \item{\code{ZerosGene}}{Boxplot of the percentage of each gene
#'             that is zero.}
#'             \item{\code{ZerosCell}}{Boxplot of the percentage of each cell
#'             that is zero.}
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#'             \item{\code{MeanZeros}}{Scatter plot with fitted lines showing
#'             the mean-dropout relationship.}
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' The plots returned by this function are created using
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} and are only a sample of the kind of plots you
#' might like to consider. The data used to create these plots is also returned
#' and should be in the correct format to allow you to create further plots
#' using \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @return List containing the combined datasets and plots.
#' @examples
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#' sim1 <- splatSimulate(nGenes = 1000, groupCells = 20)
#' sim2 <- simpleSimulate(nGenes = 1000, nCells = 20)
#' comparison <- compareSCESets(list(Splat = sim1, Simple = sim2))
#' names(comparison)
#' names(comparison$Plots)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_point geom_smooth geom_boxplot
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#' geom_violin scale_y_continuous scale_y_log10 scale_x_log10 xlab ylab ggtitle
#' theme_minimal
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#' @importFrom scater cpm<-
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#' @export
compareSCESets <- function(sces) {

    checkmate::assertList(sces, types = "SCESet", any.missing = FALSE,
                          min.len = 1, names = "unique")

    for (name in names(sces)) {
        sce <- sces[[name]]
        fData(sce)$Dataset <- name
        pData(sce)$Dataset <- name
        sce <- scater::calculateQCMetrics(sce)
        cpm(sce) <- edgeR::cpm(counts(sce))
        sce <- addFeatureStats(sce, "counts")
        sce <- addFeatureStats(sce, "cpm")
        sce <- addFeatureStats(sce, "cpm", log = TRUE)
        sces[[name]] <- sce

    fData.all <- fData(sces[[1]])
    pData.all <- pData(sces[[1]])

    if (length(sces) > 1) {
        for (name in names(sces)[-1]) {
            sce <- sces[[name]]
            fData.all <- rbindMatched(fData.all, fData(sce))
            pData.all <- rbindMatched(pData.all, pData(sce))

    fData.all$Dataset <- factor(fData.all$Dataset, levels = names(sces))
    pData.all$Dataset <- factor(pData.all$Dataset, levels = names(sces))

    means <- ggplot(fData.all,
                    aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "mean_log_cpm",
                               colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) +
        ylab(expression(paste("Mean ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Distribution of mean expression") +
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    vars <- ggplot(fData.all,
                   aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "var_cpm",
                              colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) +
        scale_y_log10(labels = scales::comma) +
        ylab("CPM Variance") +
        ggtitle("Distribution of variance") +

    mean.var <- ggplot(fData.all,
                       aes_string(x = "mean_log_cpm", y = "var_log_cpm",
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                                  colour = "Dataset", fill = "Dataset")) +
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        geom_point(size = 0.1, alpha = 0.1) +
        geom_smooth() +
        xlab(expression(paste("Mean ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ylab(expression(paste("Variance ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Mean-variance relationship") +

    libs <- ggplot(pData.all,
                   aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "total_counts",
                              colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_boxplot() +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
        ylab("Total counts per cell") +
        ggtitle("Distribution of library sizes") +

    z.gene <- ggplot(fData.all,
                     aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "pct_dropout",
                                colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_boxplot() +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100)) +
        ylab("Percentage zeros per gene") +
        ggtitle("Distribution of zeros per gene") +

    z.cell <- ggplot(pData.all,
                     aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "pct_dropout",
                                colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_boxplot() +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100)) +
        ylab("Percentage zeros per cell") +
        ggtitle("Distribution of zeros per cell") +

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    mean.zeros <- ggplot(fData.all,
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                         aes_string(x = "mean_counts", y = "pct_dropout",
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                                    colour = "Dataset", fill = "Dataset")) +
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        geom_point(size = 0.1, alpha = 0.1) +
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        geom_smooth() +
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        scale_x_log10(labels = scales::comma) +
        xlab("Mean count") +
        ylab("Percentage zeros") +
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        ggtitle("Mean-dropout relationship") +

    comparison <- list(FeatureData = fData.all,
                       PhenoData = pData.all,
                       Plots = list(Means = means,
                                    Variances = vars,
                                    MeanVar = mean.var,
                                    LibrarySizes = libs,
                                    ZerosGene = z.gene,
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                                    ZerosCell = z.cell,
                                    MeanZeros = mean.zeros))

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#' Diff SCESet objects
#' Combine the data from several SCESet objects and produce some basic plots
#' comparing them to a reference.
#' @param sces named list of SCESet objects to combine and compare.
#' @param ref string giving the name of the SCESet to use as the reference
#' @details
#' This function aims to look at the differences between a reference SCESet and
#' one or more others. It requires each SCESet to have the same dimensions.
#' Properties are compared by ranks, for example when comparing the means the
#' values are ordered and the differences between the reference and another
#' dataset plotted. A series of Q-Q plots are also returned.
#' The returned list has five items:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{Reference}}{The SCESet used as the reference.}
#'     \item{\code{FeatureData}}{Combined feature data from the provided
#'     SCESets.}
#'     \item{\code{PhenoData}}{Combined pheno data from the provided SCESets.}
#'     \item{\code{Plots}}{Difference plots
#'         \describe{
#'             \item{\code{Means}}{Boxplot of mean differences.}
#'             \item{\code{Variances}}{Boxplot of variance differences.}
#'             \item{\code{MeanVar}}{Scatter plot showing the difference from
#'             the reference variance across expression ranks.}
#'             \item{\code{LibraySizes}}{Boxplot of the library size
#'             differences.}
#'             \item{\code{ZerosGene}}{Boxplot of the differences in the
#'             percentage of each gene that is zero.}
#'             \item{\code{ZerosCell}}{Boxplot of the differences in the
#'             percentage of each cell that is zero.}
#'             \item{\code{MeanZeros}}{Scatter plot showing the difference from
#'             the reference percentage of zeros across expression ranks.}
#'     }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{QQPlots}}{Quantile-Quantile plots
#'       \describe{
#'           \item{\code{Means}}{Q-Q plot of the means.}
#'           \item{\code{Variances}}{Q-Q plot of the variances.}
#'           \item{\code{LibrarySizes}}{Q-Q plot of the library sizes.}
#'           \item{\code{ZerosGene}}{Q-Q plot of the percentage of zeros per
#'           gene.}
#'           \item{\code{ZerosCell}}{Q-Q plot of the percentage of zeros per
#'           cell.}
#'       }
#'   }
#' }
#' The plots returned by this function are created using
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} and are only a sample of the kind of plots you
#' might like to consider. The data used to create these plots is also returned
#' and should be in the correct format to allow you to create further plots
#' using \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @return List containing the combined datasets and plots.
#' @examples
#' sim1 <- splatSimulate(nGenes = 1000, groupCells = 20)
#' sim2 <- simpleSimulate(nGenes = 1000, nCells = 20)
#' difference <- diffSCESets(list(Splat = sim1, Simple = sim2), ref = "Simple")
#' names(difference)
#' names(difference$Plots)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_point geom_boxplot xlab ylab
#' ggtitle theme_minimal
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#' @importFrom scater cpm<-
#' @export
diffSCESets <- function(sces, ref) {

    checkmate::assertList(sces, types = "SCESet", any.missing = FALSE,
                          min.len = 2, names = "unique")

    if (!(ref %in% names(sces))) {
        stop("'ref' must be the name of an SCESet in 'sces'")

    ref.dim <- dim(sces[[ref]])

    for (name in names(sces)) {
        sce <- sces[[name]]
        if (!identical(dim(sce), ref.dim)) {
            stop("SCESets must have the same dimensions")
        fData(sce)$Dataset <- name
        pData(sce)$Dataset <- name
        sce <- scater::calculateQCMetrics(sce)
        cpm(sce) <- edgeR::cpm(counts(sce))
        sce <- addFeatureStats(sce, "counts")
        sce <- addFeatureStats(sce, "cpm", log = TRUE)
        sces[[name]] <- sce

    ref.sce <- sces[[ref]]

    ref.means <- sort(fData(ref.sce)$mean_log_cpm)
    ref.vars <- sort(fData(ref.sce)$var_log_cpm)
    ref.libs <- sort(pData(ref.sce)$total_counts)
    ref.z.gene <- sort(fData(ref.sce)$pct_dropout)
    ref.z.cell <- sort(pData(ref.sce)$pct_dropout)

    ref.vars.meanrank <- fData(ref.sce)$var_log_cpm[order(fData(ref.sce)$exprs_rank)]
    ref.z.gene.meanrank <- fData(ref.sce)$pct_dropout[order(fData(ref.sce)$exprs_rank)]

    for (name in names(sces)) {
        sce <- sces[[name]]
        fData(sce)$RefRankMeanLogCPM <- ref.means[rank(fData(sce)$mean_log_cpm)]
        fData(sce)$RankDiffMeanLogCPM <- fData(sce)$mean_log_cpm -
        fData(sce)$RefRankVarLogCPM <- ref.vars[rank(fData(sce)$var_log_cpm)]
        fData(sce)$RankDiffVarLogCPM <- fData(sce)$var_log_cpm -
        pData(sce)$RefRankLibSize <- ref.libs[rank(pData(sce)$total_counts)]
        pData(sce)$RankDiffLibSize <- pData(sce)$total_counts -
        fData(sce)$RefRankZeros <- ref.z.gene[rank(fData(sce)$pct_dropout)]
        fData(sce)$RankDiffZeros <- fData(sce)$pct_dropout -
        pData(sce)$RefRankZeros <- ref.z.cell[rank(pData(sce)$pct_dropout)]
        pData(sce)$RankDiffZeros <- pData(sce)$pct_dropout -

        fData(sce)$MeanRankVarDiff <- fData(sce)$var_log_cpm -
        fData(sce)$MeanRankZerosDiff <- fData(sce)$pct_dropout -

        sces[[name]] <- sce

    ref.sce <- sces[[ref]]
    sces[[ref]] <- NULL

    fData.all <- fData(sces[[1]])
    pData.all <- pData(sces[[1]])

    if (length(sces) > 1) {
        for (name in names(sces)[-1]) {
            sce <- sces[[name]]
            fData.all <- rbindMatched(fData.all, fData(sce))
            pData.all <- rbindMatched(pData.all, pData(sce))

    fData.all$Dataset <- factor(fData.all$Dataset, levels = names(sces))
    pData.all$Dataset <- factor(pData.all$Dataset, levels = names(sces))

    means <- ggplot(fData.all,
                    aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "RankDiffMeanLogCPM",
                               colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_boxplot() +
        ylab(expression(paste("Rank difference mean ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Difference in mean expression") +

    vars <- ggplot(fData.all,
                    aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "RankDiffVarLogCPM",
                               colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_boxplot() +
        ylab(expression(paste("Rank difference variance ", log[2],
                              "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Difference in variance") +

    mean.var <- ggplot(fData.all,
                       aes_string(x = "exprs_rank", y = "MeanRankVarDiff",
                                  colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Expression rank") +
        ylab(expression(paste("Difference in variance ", log[2],
                              "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Difference in mean-variance relationship") +

    libs <- ggplot(pData.all,
                   aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "RankDiffLibSize",
                              colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_boxplot() +
        ylab(paste("Rank difference libray size")) +
        ggtitle("Difference in library sizes") +

    z.gene <- ggplot(fData.all,
                     aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "RankDiffZeros",
                                colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_boxplot() +
        ylab(paste("Rank difference percentage zeros")) +
        ggtitle("Difference in zeros per gene") +

    z.cell <- ggplot(pData.all,
                     aes_string(x = "Dataset", y = "RankDiffZeros",
                                colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_boxplot() +
        ylab(paste("Rank difference percentage zeros")) +
        ggtitle("Difference in zeros per cell") +

    mean.zeros <- ggplot(fData.all,
                       aes_string(x = "exprs_rank", y = "MeanRankZerosDiff",
                                  colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Expression rank") +
        ylab("Difference in percentage zeros per gene") +
        ggtitle("Difference in mean-zeros relationship") +

    means.qq <- ggplot(fData.all,
                       aes_string(x = "RefRankMeanLogCPM", y = "mean_log_cpm",
                                  colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab(expression(paste("Reference mean ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ylab(expression(paste("Alternative mean ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Ranked means") +

    vars.qq <- ggplot(fData.all,
                      aes_string(x = "RefRankVarLogCPM", y = "var_log_cpm",
                                 colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab(expression(paste("Reference variance ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ylab(expression(paste("Alternative variance ", log[2], "(CPM + 1)"))) +
        ggtitle("Ranked variances") +

    libs.qq <- ggplot(pData.all,
                      aes_string(x = "RefRankLibSize", y = "total_counts",
                                 colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Reference library size") +
        ylab("Alternative library size") +
        ggtitle("Ranked library sizes") +

    z.gene.qq <- ggplot(fData.all,
                        aes_string(x = "RefRankZeros", y = "pct_dropout",
                                   colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Reference percentage zeros") +
        ylab("Alternative percentage zeros") +
        ggtitle("Ranked percentage zeros per gene") +

    z.cell.qq <- ggplot(pData.all,
                        aes_string(x = "RefRankZeros", y = "pct_dropout",
                                   colour = "Dataset")) +
        geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = "red") +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Reference percentage zeros") +
        ylab("Alternative percentage zeros") +
        ggtitle("Ranked percentage zeros per cell") +

    comparison <- list(Reference = ref.sce,
                       FeatureData = fData.all,
                       PhenoData = pData.all,
                       Plots = list(Means = means,
                                    Variances = vars,
                                    MeanVar = mean.var,
                                    LibrarySizes = libs,
                                    ZerosGene = z.gene,
                                    ZerosCell = z.cell,
                                    MeanZeros = mean.zeros),
                       QQPlots = list(Means = means.qq,
                                      Variances = vars.qq,
                                      LibrarySizes = libs.qq,
                                      ZerosGene = z.gene.qq,
                                      ZerosCell = z.cell.qq))
