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\title{Estimate Splat expression outlier parameters}
splatEstOutlier(norm.counts, params)
\item{norm.counts}{library size normalised counts matrix.}
\item{params}{SplatParams object to store estimated values in.}
SplatParams object with estimated values.
Parameters are estimated by comparing means of individual genes to the
median mean expression level.
Expression outlier genes are detected using the Median Absolute Deviation
(MAD) from median method. If the log2 mean expression of a gene is greater
than two MADs from the median log2 mean expression it is designated as a
outlier. The proportion of outlier genes is used to estimate the outlier
probability. The low outlier probability is estimated as the proportion of
outlier genes that have a log2 mean less than the median log2 mean. Factors
for each outlier gene are calculated by dividing mean expression by the
median mean expression. A log-normal distribution is then fitted to these
factors in order to estimate the outlier factor location and scale
parameters. See \code{\link[fitdistrplus]{fitdist}} for details on the