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#' Lun2 simulation
#' Simulate single-cell RNA-seq count data using the method described in Lun
#' and Marioni "Overcoming confounding plate effects in differential expression
#' analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data".
#' @param params Lun2Params object containing simulation parameters.
#' @param zinb logical. Whether to use a zero-inflated model.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#'        \code{params}.
#' @details
#' The Lun2 simulation uses a negative-binomial distribution where the means and
#' dispersions have been sampled from a real dataset
#' (using \code{\link{lun2Estimate}}). The other core feature of the Lun2
#' simulation is the addition of plate effects. Differential expression can be
#' added between two groups of plates (an "ingroup" and all other plates).
#' Library size factors are also applied and optionally a zero-inflated
#' negative-binomial can be used.
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#' If the number of genes to simulate differs from the number of provied gene
#' parameters or the number of cells to simulate differs from the number of
#' library sizes the relevant paramters will be sampled with a warning. This
#' allows any number of genes or cells to be simulated regardless of the
#' number in the dataset used in the estimation step but has the downside that
#' some genes or cells may be simulated multiple times.
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#' @return SCESet containing simulated counts.
#' @references
#' Lun ATL, Marioni JC. Overcoming confounding plate effects in differential
#' expression analyses of single-cell RNA-seq data. bioRxiv (2016).
#' Paper: \url{}
#' Code: \url{}
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#' @examples
#' sim <- lun2Simulate()
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom scater newSCESet set_exprs<-
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lun2Simulate <- function(params = newLun2Params(), zinb = FALSE,
                         verbose = TRUE, ...) {

    checkmate::assertClass(params, "Lun2Params")
    params <- setParams(params, ...)

    # Set random seed
    seed <- getParam(params, "seed")

    if (verbose) {message("Getting parameters...")}
    nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
    nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
    nPlates <- getParam(params, "nPlates")
    cell.plates <- getParam(params, "cell.plates")
    plate.var <- getParam(params, "plate.var") / getParam(params, "plate.mod")
    lib.sizes <- getParam(params, "cell.libSizes")
    lib.mod <- getParam(params, "cell.libMod")

    # Sample lib.sizes if necessary
    if (length(lib.sizes) != nCells) {
        warning("Number of lib.sizes not equal to nCells. ",
                "lib.sizes will be sampled.")
        selected <- sample(length(lib.sizes), nCells, replace = TRUE)
        libSizes <- lib.sizes[selected]

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    # Select gene parameters depending on model
    if (zinb) {
        gene.params <- getParam(params, "zi.params")
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    } else {
        gene.params <- getParam(params, "gene.params")

    # Sample gene parameters if necessary
    if (nrow(gene.params) != nGenes) {
        warning("Number of gene parameters does not equal nGenes. ",
                "Gene parameters will be sampled.")
        selected <- sample(nrow(gene.params), nGenes, replace = TRUE)
        gene.params <- gene.params[selected, ]

    gene.means <- gene.params$Mean
    gene.disps <- gene.params$Disp
    if (zinb) {
        gene.ziProps <- gene.params$Prop

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    de.nGenes <- getParam(params, "de.nGenes")

    #if (name == "nGenes") {
    #    old.nGenes <- getParam(object, "nGenes")
    #    if (value != old.nGenes) {
    #        warning("nGenes has been changed. Gene parameter vectors will be ",
    #                "sampled to length new nGenes.")
    #        selected <- sample(seq_len(old.nGenes), size = value,
    #                           replace = TRUE)
    #        for (parameter in grep("gene", slotNames(object), value = TRUE)) {
    #            old.value <- getParam(object, parameter)
    #            object <- setParamUnchecked(object, parameter,
    #                                        old.value[selected])
    #        }
    #    }

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    # Set up objects to store intermediate values
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    cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
    gene.names <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(nGenes))
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    features <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                    data = data.frame(Gene = gene.names, GeneMean = gene.means,
                                      GeneDisp = gene.disps))
    phenos <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
                  data = data.frame(Cell = cell.names, Plate = cell.plates))

    if (zinb) {
        features$GeneZeroProp <- gene.ziProps

    if (verbose) {message("Simulating plate means...")}
    plate.facs <- matrix(exp(rnorm(nGenes * nPlates, mean = -plate.var / 2,
                                   sd = sqrt(plate.var))),
                         nrow = nGenes, ncol = nPlates)
    base.plate.means <- gene.means * plate.facs

    if (de.nGenes > 0) {
        title <- "BaseGeneMeanPlate"
    } else {
        title <- "GeneMeanPlate"
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    for (idx in seq_len(nPlates)) {
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        features[[paste0("PlateFacPlate", idx)]] <- plate.facs[, idx]
        features[[paste0(title, idx)]] <- base.plate.means[, idx]

    plate.means <- base.plate.means

    if (de.nGenes > 0) {
        if (verbose) {message("Simulating differential expression...")}
        plate.ingroup <- getParam(params, "plate.ingroup")
        de.fc <- sqrt(getParam(params, "de.fc"))

        ingroup <- match(plate.ingroup, levels(cell.plates))
        de.chosen <- sample(nGenes, de.nGenes)
        de.isUp <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = de.nGenes)

        de.facs <- rep(1, nGenes)
        de.facs[de.chosen[de.isUp]] <- de.fc
        de.facs[de.chosen[!de.isUp]] <- 1 / de.fc

        plate.means[, ingroup] <- plate.means[, ingroup] * de.facs
        plate.means[, -ingroup] <- plate.means[, -ingroup] * (1 / de.facs)

        phenos$Ingroup <- cell.plates %in% plate.ingroup
        features$DEFacIngroup <- de.facs
        features$DEFacOutgroup <- 1 / de.facs
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        for (idx in seq_len(nPlates)) {
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            features[[paste0("GeneMeanPlate", idx)]] <- plate.means[, idx]

    if (verbose) {message("Simulating libray size factors...")}
    lib.facs <- lib.sizes / mean(lib.sizes)
    lib.facs <- sample(lib.facs, nCells, replace = TRUE) * lib.mod
    phenos$LibSizeFac <- lib.facs

    if (verbose) {message("Simulating cell means...")}
    cell.means <- plate.means[, as.integer(cell.plates)]
    cell.means <- t(t(cell.means) * lib.facs)

    if (verbose) {message("Simulating counts...")}
    true.counts <- matrix(rnbinom(nCells * nGenes, mu = cell.means,
                                  size = 1 / gene.disps),
                          ncol = nCells, nrow = nGenes)
    counts <- true.counts

    if (zinb) {
        if (verbose) {message("Simulating zero inflation...")} <- matrix(rbinom(nCells * nGenes, 1, gene.ziProps),
                          ncol = nCells, nrow = nGenes) == 1
        counts[] <- 0

    if (verbose) {message("Creating final SCESet...")}

    rownames(phenos) <- cell.names
    rownames(features) <- gene.names
    rownames(counts) <- gene.names
    colnames(counts) <- cell.names
    sim <- newSCESet(countData = counts, phenoData = phenos,
                     featureData = features)

    rownames(cell.means) <- gene.names
    colnames(cell.means) <- cell.names
    set_exprs(sim, "CellMeans") <- cell.means
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    rownames(true.counts) <- gene.names
    colnames(true.counts) <- cell.names
    set_exprs(sim, "TrueCounts") <- true.counts
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    if (zinb) {
        rownames( <- gene.names
        colnames( <- cell.names
        set_exprs(sim, "ZeroInflation") <-
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    if (verbose) {message("Done!")}

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