# splatter 0.99.2
* Add rownames, colnames to matrices in splatSimulate, lunSimulate
* Bump R version to 3.4
# splatter 0.99.1
* Address Biocondutor build warnings, notes
# splatter 0.99.0
* Submit to Bioconductor
# splatter 0.12.1
* Fix bug in compareSCESets
* Dataset order is now kept in plots
# splatter 0.12.0
* Add compareSCESets function
* Update vignette
* Fix LunParams validity bug
* Add logo
# splatter 0.11.1
* Fix bug in splatSimulatePaths that caused NAs
# splatter 0.11.0
* Make compatible with Bioconductor 3.4
# splatter 0.10.1
* Fix error for SCESets in lun2Estimate, scDDEstimate
# splatter 0.7.0
* Redesign how parameters are stored
* Each simulation now has it's own S4 Params class
* Modify exisiting simulations to use new parameter objects
# splatter 0.6.0
* Add Lun simulation
* Modify splatParams to take Lun parameters
# splatter 0.4.0
* Add splatter simulations
* Modify some parts of splatParams and fix bugs
# splatter 0.3.0
* Added parameter estimation functions
# splatter 0.2.0
* Added splatParams object
* Added functions for interacting with splatParams