crop <- function(file_list, img_path) { #BiocManager::install("EBImage") library(EBImage) cell_count <- 0 image_count <-0 pair <- 0 ## for each image that is *-dna.jpeg, for (file in file_list){ setwd(img_path) if(grepl("*dna.jpeg$", file)){ file_dna = file image_count <- image_count +1 image <- readImage(file_dna) img_orig <- channel(image, "grey") pair <- 0 } if(grepl("*foci.jpeg$", file)){ file_foci = file image <- readImage(file_foci) img_orig_foci <- channel(image, "gray") # call functions: get pair <- 1 } if(pair ==1){ w = makeBrush(size = 101, shape = 'gaussian', sigma = 51) img_flo = filter2(img_orig, w) disc = makeBrush(51, "disc") disc = disc / sum(disc) localBackground = filter2(img_orig, w) offset = 0.2 nucBadThresh = (img_orig - localBackground > offset) img_tmp_dna <- img_orig img_tmp <- nucBadThresh w = makeBrush(size = 51, shape = 'gaussian', sigma = 15) img_flo = filter2(img_tmp, w) bg <- mean(10*img_tmp) offset = 0.2 blob_th = 10*img_flo > bg + offset blob_label = bwlabel(blob_th) blob_label <- channel(blob_label, "gray") candidate <- bwlabel(blob_label) # delete everything that's too small colorimg<- colorLabels(candidate, normalize = TRUE) x <- computeFeatures.shape(candidate) x <- data.frame(x) OOI <- width(x) counter <- 0 removed <- candidate while(counter<OOI){ counter <- counter+1 pixel_area = x$s.area[counter] semi_maj <- x$s.radius.max[counter] semi_min <- x$s.radius.min[counter] # if statement checking if it's the wrong area if(pixel_area> 20000 | pixel_area < 5000){ removed <- as.numeric(removed)*rmObjects(candidate, counter, reenumerate = TRUE) } ## if statement checking that it's not too long i.e. not at edge. if(semi_maj/semi_min > 2 &{ removed <- as.numeric(removed)*rmObjects(candidate, counter, reenumerate = TRUE) } } removed <- bwlabel(removed) ### crop foci channel here ## Loop over all objects in this final "removed" image x_final <- computeFeatures.shape(removed) x_final <- data.frame(x_final) OOI_final <- width(x_final) counter_final <- 0 # looping through each object to crop while(counter_final<OOI_final){ counter_final <- counter_final+1 tmp_img <- removed ## have a single object ### delete all other objects counter_single <- 0 # looping over all other objects to crop while(counter_single < OOI_final){ counter_single <- counter_single + 1 # iteratively remove all other objects if(counter_single != counter_final){ tmp_img <- as.numeric(tmp_img)*rmObjects(bwlabel(removed), counter_single, reenumerate = TRUE) } } noise_gone <- bwlabel(tmp_img)*as.matrix(img_orig) noise_gone_foci <- bwlabel(tmp_img)*as.matrix(img_orig_foci) ## first get the row and column list that has a one in it. row_list <- c() col_list <- c() # I think this is quick enough for now.. takes less than 10s... xx = data.frame(as.numeric(tmp_img)) xx <- data.frame(bwlabel(tmp_img)) xm2 = t(as.matrix(xx)) i <- 0 my_matrix <- xm2 ### now loop over matrix for(row in 1:nrow(my_matrix)) { for(col in 1:ncol(my_matrix)) { if(my_matrix[row, col]==1){ row_list[i] <- row col_list[i] <- col i <- i+1 } } } if (length(col_list>1)){ cy <- mean(row_list) cx <- mean(col_list) x_maj <- max(col_list) x_min <- min(col_list) y_maj <- max(row_list) y_min <- min(row_list) ## radius ## total number of pixels given by list length. Find radius of area. ## crops to a square for the moment. can change this. max_r <- max(x_maj-cx,y_maj-cy) crop_r <- floor(max_r) # might want to do this as a matrix top_left_x <- floor(cx-crop_r) top_left_y <- floor(cy-crop_r) bottom_left_x <- floor(cx-crop_r) bottom_left_y <- floor(cy+crop_r) bottom_right_x <- floor(cx+crop_r) bottom_right_y <- floor(cy+crop_r) top_right_x <- floor(cx-crop_r) top_right_y <- floor(cy+crop_r) ## crop image ix <- bottom_left_x:bottom_right_x iy <- top_left_y:bottom_left_y # determine the dimensions, 2 in this case tryCatch({ new_img <- noise_gone[ix, iy] ## want all images to have the same mean to 0.1 orig_mean <- mean(new_img) mean_factor <- 0.08/orig_mean new_img <- new_img*mean_factor cell_count <- cell_count + 1 display(new_img) print("cell count for above crop is") print(cell_count) if(cell_count != 0){ print("keeping it") } else{ print("not keeping that one") } #### strand related stuff here }, error = function(e) { #what should be done in case of exception? str(e) # #prints structure of exception } ) } } } pair <- 0 } print("out of") print(image_count) print("we got") print(cell_count) print("viable cells") }