% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/AllClasses.R \docType{class} \name{Lun2Params} \alias{Lun2Params} \alias{Lun2Params-class} \title{The Lun2Params class} \description{ S4 class that holds parameters for the Lun simulation. } \section{Parameters}{ The Lun2 simulation uses the following parameters: \describe{ \item{\code{nGenes}}{The number of genes to simulate.} \item{\code{nCells}}{The number of cells to simulate.} \item{\code{[seed]}}{Seed to use for generating random numbers.} \item{\emph{Gene parameters}}{ \describe{ \item{\code{gene.params}}{A \code{data.frame} containing gene parameters with two coloumns: \code{Mean} (mean expression for each gene) and \code{Disp} (dispersion for each gene).} \item{\code{zi.params}}{A \code{data.frame} containing zero-inflated gene parameters with three coloumns: \code{Mean} (mean expression for each gene), \code{Disp} (dispersion for each, gene), and \code{Prop} (zero proportion for each gene).} } } \item{\code{[nPlates]}}{The number of plates to simulate.} \item{\emph{Plate parameters}}{ \describe{ \item{\code{plate.ingroup}}{Character vecotor giving the plates considered to be part of the "ingroup".} \item{\code{plate.mod}}{Plate effect modifier factor. The plate effect variance is divided by this value.} \item{\code{plate.var}}{Plate effect variance.} } } \item{\emph{Cell parameters}}{ \describe{ \item{\code{cell.plates}}{Factor giving the plate that each cell comes from.} \item{\code{cell.libSizes}}{Library size for each cell.} \item{\code{cell.libMod}}{Modifier factor for library sizes. The library sizes are multiplied by this value.} } } \item{\emph{Differential expression parameters}}{ \describe{ \item{\code{de.nGenes}}{Number of differentially expressed genes.} \item{\code{de.fc}}{Fold change for differentially expressed genes.} } } } The parameters not shown in brackets can be estimated from real data using \code{\link{lun2Estimate}}. For details of the Lun2 simulation see \code{\link{lun2Simulate}}. }