#' Get parameters #' #' Get multiple parameter values from a Params object. #' #' @param params Params object to get values from. #' @param names vector of names of the parameters to get. #' #' @return List with the values of the selected parameters. #' @examples #' params <- newSimpleParams() #' getParams(params, c("nGenes", "nCells", "mean.rate")) #' @export getParams <- function(params, names) { checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params") checkmate::assertCharacter(names, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE) sapply(names, getParam, object = params, simplify = FALSE) } #' Set parameters #' #' Set multiple parameters in a Params object. #' #' @param params Params object to set parameters in. #' @param update list of parameters to set where \code{names(update)} are the #' names of the parameters to set and the items in the list are values. #' @param ... additional parameters to set. These are combined with any #' parameters specified in \code{update}. #' @param checkValid logical. Whether to check set object is valid. #' #' @details #' Each parameter is set by a call to \code{\link{setParam}}. If the same #' parameter is specified multiple times it will be set multiple times. #' Parameters can be specified using a list via \code{update} (useful when #' collecting parameter values in some way) or individually (useful when setting #' them manually), see examples. #' #' @return Params object with updated values. #' @examples #' params <- newSimpleParams() #' params #' # Set individually #' params <- setParams(params, nGenes = 1000, nCells = 50) #' params #' # Set via update list #' params <- setParams(params, list(mean.rate = 0.2, mean.shape = 0.8)) #' params #' @export setParams <- function(params, update = NULL, checkValid = TRUE, ...) { checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params") checkmate::assertList(update, null.ok = TRUE) update <- c(update, list(...)) if (length(update) > 0) { for (name in names(update)) { value <- update[[name]] params <- setParam(params, name, value) } } return(params) } #' Set parameters UNCHECKED #' #' Set multiple parameters in a Params object. #' #' @param params Params object to set parameters in. #' @param update list of parameters to set where \code{names(update)} are the #' names of the parameters to set and the items in the list are values. #' @param ... additional parameters to set. These are combined with any #' parameters specified in \code{update}. #' @param checkValid logical. Whether to check set object is valid. #' #' @details #' Each parameter is set by a call to \code{\link{setParam}}. If the same #' parameter is specified multiple times it will be set multiple times. #' Parameters can be specified using a list via \code{update} (useful when #' collecting parameter values in some way) or individually (useful when setting #' them manually), see examples. THE FINAL OBJECT IS NOT CHECKED FOR VALIDITY! #' #' @return Params object with updated values. setParamsUnchecked <- function(params, update = NULL, checkValid = TRUE, ...) { checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params") checkmate::assertList(update, null.ok = TRUE) update <- c(update, list(...)) if (length(update) > 0) { for (name in names(update)) { value <- update[[name]] params <- setParamUnchecked(params, name, value) } } return(params) } #' Show pretty print #' #' Function used for pretty printing params object. #' #' @param params object to show. #' @param pp list specifying how the object should be displayed. #' #' @importFrom utils head showPP <- function(params, pp) { checkmate::assertClass(params, classes = "Params") checkmate::assertList(pp, types = "character", min.len = 1) default <- new(class(params)) for (category in names(pp)) { parameters <- pp[[category]] values <- getParams(params, parameters) short.values <- sapply(values, function(x) { if (length(x) > 4) { paste0(paste(head(x, n = 4), collapse = ", "), ",...") } else { paste(x, collapse = ", ") } }) values <- sapply(values, paste, collapse = ", ") default.values <- getParams(default, parameters) default.values <- sapply(default.values, paste, collapse = ", ") not.default <- values != default.values names(values)[not.default] <- toupper(names(values[not.default])) cat(category, "\n") print(noquote(short.values), print.gap = 2) cat("\n") } } # mergeParams <- function(params1, params2) { # # if (class(params1) != class(params2)) { # stop("params1 and params2 must be of the same Params class") # } # # default <- new(class(params1)) # # update <- list() # for (parameter in slotNames(params1)) { # value1 <- getParam(params1, parameter) # default.value <- getParam(default, parameter) # if (value1 == default.value) { # value2 <- getParam(params2, parameter) # update[[parameter]] <- value2 # } else { # update[[parameter]] <- value1 # } # } # # merged <- setParams(default, update) # # return(merged) # }