% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/scDD-simulate.R \name{scDDSimulate} \alias{scDDSimulate} \title{scDD simulation} \usage{ scDDSimulate(params = newSCDDParams(), plots = FALSE, plot.file = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{params}{SCDDParams object containing simulation parameters.} \item{plots}{logical. whether to generate scDD fold change and validation plots.} \item{plot.file}{File path to save plots as PDF.} \item{verbose}{logical. Whether to print progress messages} \item{...}{any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in \code{params}.} } \value{ SCESet containing simulated counts } \description{ Simulate counts using the scDD method. } \details{ This function is just a wrapper around \code{\link[scDD]{simulateSet}} that takes a \code{\link{SCDDParams}}, runs the simulation then converts the output to an \code{\link[scater]{SCESet}} object. See \code{\link[scDD]{simulateSet}} for more details of how the simulation works. } \examples{ sim <- scDDSimulate() } \references{ Korthauer KD, Chu L-F, Newton MA, Li Y, Thomson J, Stewart R, et al. scDD: A statistical approach for identifying differential distributions in single-cell RNA-seq experiments. bioRxiv (2015). Paper: \url{dx.doi.org/10.1101/035501} Code: \url{https://github.com/kdkorthauer/scDD} }