#' Generating time-dependent parameters #' #' Function to generate parameter values for the time range of the simulation #' that can change over time. #' #' @param nstep Number of time steps to generate parameter values for. #' @param vals List of parameter values to include over the nsteps. #' @param timing List of the step numbers at which to start changes, with the #' last number reflecting when to hit the last parameter value in vals. #' #' @return list of parameter values for length t #' vary_param <- function(nstep = nstep, vals = vals, timing = timing) { stopifnot(length(vals) == length(timing)) y <- list() for(t in seq(1:nstep)){ if(t <= timing[1]){ # If before first jump set to val[1] y.t <- vals[1] }else if(t > tail(timing, n=1)){ # If after last jump set to val[-1] y.t <- tail(vals, n=1) }else{ # If intermediate step, calculate... for(j in (2:length(timing))){ if(t > timing[j - 1] & t <= timing[j]){ start <- vals[j - 1] end <- vals[j] start_t <- timing[j - 1] end_t <- timing[j] y.t <- start - (t-start_t)*(start - end)/(end_t - start_t) } } } y <- append(y, y.t) } return(unlist(y)) }