% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/splat-estimate.R \name{splatEstDropout} \alias{splatEstDropout} \title{Estimate Splat dropout parameters} \usage{ splatEstDropout(norm.counts, params) } \arguments{ \item{norm.counts}{library size normalised counts matrix.} \item{params}{SplatParams object to store estimated values in.} } \value{ SplatParams object with estimated values. } \description{ Estimate the midpoint and shape parameters for the logistic function used when simulating dropout. Also estimates whether dropout is likely to be present in the dataset. } \details{ Logistic function parameters are estimated by fitting a logistic function to the relationship between log2 mean gene expression and the proportion of zeros in each gene. See \code{\link[stats]{nls}} for details of fitting. The presence of dropout is determined by comparing the observed number of zeros in each gene to the expected number of zeros from a negative binomial distribution with the gene mean and a dispersion of 0.1. If the maximum difference between the observed number of zeros and the expected number is greater than 10 percent of the number of cells (\code{max(obs.zeros - exp.zeros) > 0.1 * ncol(norm.counts)}) then dropout is considered to be present in the dataset. This is a somewhat crude measure but should give a reasonable indication. A more accurate approach is to look at a plot of log2 mean expression vs the difference between observed and expected number of zeros across all genes. }