% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/lun2-estimate.R \name{lun2Estimate} \alias{lun2Estimate} \alias{lun2Estimate.SCESet} \alias{lun2Estimate.matrix} \title{Estimate Lun2 simulation parameters} \usage{ lun2Estimate(counts, plates, params = newLun2Params(), min.size = 200, verbose = TRUE) \method{lun2Estimate}{SCESet}(counts, plates, params = newLun2Params(), min.size = 200, verbose = TRUE) \method{lun2Estimate}{matrix}(counts, plates, params = newLun2Params(), min.size = 200, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{counts}{either a counts matrix or an SCESet object containing count data to estimate parameters from.} \item{plates}{integer vector giving the plate that each cell originated from.} \item{params}{Lun2Params object to store estimated values in.} \item{min.size}{minimum size of clusters when identifying group of cells in the data.} \item{verbose}{logical. Whether to show progress messages.} } \value{ LunParams object containing the estimated parameters. } \description{ Estimate simulation parameters for the Lun2 simulation from a real dataset. } \details{ See \code{\link{Lun2Params}} for more details on the parameters. } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("sc_example_counts") data("sc_example_cell_info") plates <- factor(sc_example_cell_info$Mutation_Status) params <- lun2Estimate(sc_example_counts, plates, min.size = 20) params } }