% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/splat-simulate.R \name{getLNormFactors} \alias{getLNormFactors} \title{Get log-normal factors} \usage{ getLNormFactors(n.facs, sel.prob, neg.prob, fac.loc, fac.scale) } \arguments{ \item{n.facs}{Number of factors to generate.} \item{sel.prob}{Probability that a factor will be selected to be different from 1.} \item{neg.prob}{Probability that a selected factor is less than one.} \item{fac.loc}{Location parameter for the log-normal distribution.} \item{fac.scale}{Scale factor for the log-normal distribution.} } \value{ Vector containing generated factors. } \description{ Randomly generate multiplication factors from a log-normal distribution. }