% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/splat-estimate.R \name{splatEstMean} \alias{splatEstMean} \title{Estimate Splat mean parameters} \usage{ splatEstMean(norm.counts, params) } \arguments{ \item{norm.counts}{library size normalised counts matrix.} \item{params}{SplatParams object to store estimated values in.} } \value{ SplatParams object with estimated values. } \description{ Estimate rate and shape parameters for the gamma distribution used to simulate gene expression means. } \details{ Parameter for the gamma distribution are estimated by fitting the mean normalised counts using \code{\link[fitdistrplus]{fitdist}}. The 'maximum goodness-of-fit estimation' method is used to minimise the Cramer-von Mises distance. This can fail in some situations, in which case the 'method of moments estimation' method is used instead. Prior to fitting the means are winsorized by setting the top and bottom 10 percent of values to the 10th and 90th percentiles. }