% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/BASiCS-estimate.R
\title{Estimate BASiCS simulation parameters}
BASiCSEstimate(counts, spike.info = NULL, batch = NULL, n = 20000,
  thin = 10, burn = 5000, params = newBASiCSParams(), verbose = TRUE,
  progress = TRUE, ...)

\method{BASiCSEstimate}{SCESet}(counts, spike.info = NULL, batch = NULL,
  n = 20000, thin = 10, burn = 5000, params = newBASiCSParams(),
  verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, ...)

\method{BASiCSEstimate}{matrix}(counts, spike.info = NULL, batch = NULL,
  n = 20000, thin = 10, burn = 5000, params = newBASiCSParams(),
  verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, ...)
\item{counts}{either a counts matrix or an SCESet object containing count
data to estimate parameters from.}

\item{spike.info}{data.frame describing spike-ins with two columns: "Name"
giving the names of the spike-in features (must match
\code{rownames(counts)}) and "Input" giving the number of input

\item{batch}{vector giving the batch that each cell belongs to.}

\item{n}{total number of MCMC iterations. Must be \code{>= max(4, thin)} and
a multiple of \code{thin}.}

\item{thin}{thining period for the MCMC sampler. Must be \code{>= 2}.}

\item{burn}{burn-in period for the MCMC sampler. Must be in the range
\code{1 <= burn < n} and a multiple of \code{thin}.}

\item{params}{BASiCSParams object to store estimated values in.}

\item{verbose}{logical. Whether to print progress messages.}

\item{progress}{logical. Whether to print additional BASiCS progress

\item{...}{Optional parameters passed to \code{\link[BASiCS]{BASiCS_MCMC}}.}
BASiCSParams object containing the estimated parameters.
Estimate simulation parameters for the BASiCS simulation from a real dataset.
This function is just a wrapper around \code{\link[BASiCS]{BASiCS_MCMC}} that
takes the output and converts it to a BASiCSParams object. Either a set of
spike-ins or batch information (or both) must be supplied. If only batch
information is provided there must be at least two batches. See
\code{\link[BASiCS]{BASiCS_MCMC}} for details.
spike.info <- data.frame(Name = rownames(sc_example_counts)[1:10],
                         Input = rnorm(10, 500, 200),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
params <- BASiCSEstimate(sc_example_counts[1:50, 1:20],