title: Splatter url: http://oshlack.github.io/splatter template: params: bootswatch: cosmo ganalytics: UA-52309538-4 reference: - title: Parameters desc: Parameters functions and classes contents: - '`newParams`' - '`getParam`' - '`getParams`' - '`setParam`' - '`setParams`' - '`BASiCSParams`' - '`Lun2Params`' - '`LunParams`' - '`MFAParams`' - '`Params`' - '`PhenoParams`' - '`SCDDParams`' - '`SimpleParams`' - '`SplatParams`' - '`SparseDCParams`' - '`ZINBParams`' - title: Estimation desc: Functions for estimating parameters contents: - '`BASiCSEstimate`' - '`lun2Estimate`' - '`lunEstimate`' - '`mfaEstimate`' - '`phenoEstimate`' - '`scDDEstimate`' - '`simpleEstimate`' - '`splatEstBCV`' - '`splatEstDropout`' - '`splatEstimate`' - '`splatEstLib`' - '`splatEstMean`' - '`splatEstOutlier`' - '`sparseDCEstimate`' - '`zinbEstimate`' - title: Simulation desc: Functions for simulating datasets contents: - '`BASiCSSimulate`' - '`lun2Simulate`' - '`lunSimulate`' - '`mfaSimulate`' - '`phenoSimulate`' - '`scDDSimulate`' - '`simpleSimulate`' - '`splatSimBatchCellMeans`' - '`splatSimBatchEffects`' - '`splatSimBCVMeans`' - '`splatSimCellMeans`' - '`splatSimDE`' - '`splatSimDropout`' - '`splatSimGeneMeans`' - '`splatSimLibSizes`' - '`splatSimTrueCounts`' - '`splatSimulate`' - '`sparseDCSimulate`' - '`zinbSimulate`' - title: Comparison functions desc: Functions for comparing datasets contents: - '`compareSCEs`' - '`diffSCEs`' - '`makeCompPanel`' - '`makeDiffPanel`' - '`makeOverallPanel`' - '`summariseDiff`' - title: Other exported functions desc: Additional functions exported by Splatter contents: - '`addFeatureStats`' - '`addGeneLengths`' - '`listSims`' - title: Internals desc: Internal functions and helpers contents: - '`bridge`' - '`expandParams`' - '`getLNormFactors`' - '`getPathOrder`' - '`logistic`' - '`rbindMatched`' - '`setParamsUnchecked`' - '`setParamUnchecked`' - '`showDFs`' - '`showPP`' - '`showValues`' - '`winsorize`'