From 78e69880302d1a0080724cab7746c58b5240eacd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pqiao29 <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 15:17:07 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] finish clean up arrivals.FUN

 R/Chu_arrivals.R               | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/FUN_arrivals.R               |  72 ++++++++++
 R/crosscheck.seiqhrf.R         |   4 +-
 R/mod_vital.R                  | 241 ---------------------------------
 man/arrivals.FUN.Rd            |   8 +-
 man/departures.FUN.Rd          |   2 +-
 man/infection.FUN.Rd           |   2 +-
 man/recovery.FUN.Rd            |   2 +-
 tests/testthat/test-arrivals.R |  26 ++++
 9 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 249 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 R/Chu_arrivals.R
 create mode 100644 R/FUN_arrivals.R
 delete mode 100644 R/mod_vital.R
 create mode 100644 tests/testthat/test-arrivals.R

diff --git a/R/Chu_arrivals.R b/R/Chu_arrivals.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db04277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Chu_arrivals.R
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+arrivals.seiqhrf.icm <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
+    if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
+    # Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (dat$param$vital == FALSE) {
+        return(dat)
+    }
+    # Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    a.rate <- dat$param$a.rate
+    a.rate.g2 <- dat$param$a.rate.g2
+    a.rand <- dat$control$a.rand
+    groups <- dat$param$groups
+    nOld <- dat$epi$num[at - 1]
+    # checking params, should be in control.icm or params.icm eventually
+    type <- dat$control$type
+    nsteps <- dat$control$nsteps
+    if (!(length(a.rate) == 1 || length(a.rate == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.rate must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    if (!is.null(a.rate.g2) && 
+        !(length(a.rate.g2) == 1 || length(a.rate.g2 == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.rate.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.e <- dat$param$a.prop.e
+    if (!(length(a.prop.e) == 1 || length(a.prop.e == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.e must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.i <- dat$param$a.prop.i
+    if (!(length(a.prop.i) == 1 || length(a.prop.i == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.i must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.q <- dat$param$a.prop.q
+    if (!(length(a.prop.q) == 1 || length(a.prop.q == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.q must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.e.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.e.g2
+    if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2) &&
+        !(length(a.prop.e.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.e.g2 == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.e.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.i.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.i.g2
+    if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2) &&
+        !(length(a.prop.i.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.i.g2 == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.i.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    a.prop.q.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.q.g2
+    if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2) &&
+        !(length(a.prop.q.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.q.g2 == nsteps))) {
+        stop("Length of a.prop.q.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
+    }
+    # Process -----------------------------------------------------------------
+    nArrivals <- nArrivals.g2 <- 0
+    if (groups == 1) {
+        if (a.rand == TRUE) {
+            nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
+        }
+        if (a.rand == FALSE) {
+            nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
+        }
+    }
+    if (groups == 2) {
+        nOldG2 <- dat$epi$num.g2[at - 1]
+        if (a.rand == TRUE) {
+            if ( {
+                nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
+                nArrivals.g2 <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
+            } else {
+                nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
+                nArrivals.g2 <- sum(rbinom(nOldG2, 1, a.rate.g2))
+            }
+        }
+        if (a.rand == FALSE) {
+            if ( {
+                nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
+                nArrivals.g2 <- round(nOld * a.rate)
+            } else {
+                nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
+                nArrivals.g2 <- round(nOldG2 * a.rate.g2)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ## Set attributes
+    totArrivals <- 0
+    totArrivals.g2 <- 0
+    # partition arrivals into compartments
+    if (length(a.prop.e) > 1) {
+        nArrivals.e <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.e[at]))
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.e
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
+        }
+    } else {
+        nArrivals.e <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.e)
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.e
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
+        }
+    }
+    if (length(a.prop.i) > 1) {
+        nArrivals.i <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.i[at]))
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.i
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
+        }
+    } else {
+        nArrivals.i <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.i)
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.i
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
+        }
+    }
+    if (length(a.prop.q) > 1) {
+        nArrivals.q <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.q[at]))
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.q
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2[at]))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
+        }
+    } else {
+        nArrivals.q <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.q)
+        totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.q
+        if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2)) {
+            nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
+        } else {
+            nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2))
+            totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
+        }
+    }
+    # debug
+    # print("totArrivals:")
+    # print(totArrivals)
+    # print("totArrivals.g2:")
+    # print(totArrivals.g2)
+    # print("----")
+    # 
+    # group 1
+    dat$attr$active <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$group <- c(dat$attr$group, rep(1, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$status <- c(dat$attr$status,
+                         rep("e", nArrivals.e),
+                         rep("i", nArrivals.i),
+                         rep("q", nArrivals.q),
+                         rep("s", totArrivals - nArrivals.e - nArrivals.i - nArrivals.q))
+    dat$attr$expTime <- c(dat$attr$expTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$quarTime <- c(dat$attr$quarTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$hospTime <- c(dat$attr$ihospTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$recovTime <- c(dat$attr$recovTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    dat$attr$fatTime <- c(dat$attr$fatTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+    # group 2
+    if (length(totArrivals.g2) > 0) {
+        dat$attr$active <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$group <- c(dat$attr$group, rep(2, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$status <- c(dat$attr$status,
+                             rep("e", nArrivals.e.g2),
+                             rep("i", nArrivals.i.g2),
+                             rep("q", nArrivals.q.g2),
+                             rep("s", totArrivals.g2 - nArrivals.e.g2 - 
+                                     nArrivals.i.g2 - nArrivals.q.g2))
+        dat$attr$expTime <- c(dat$attr$expTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$quarTime <- c(dat$attr$quarTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$hospTime <- c(dat$attr$ihospTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$recovTime <- c(dat$attr$recovTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+        dat$attr$fatTime <- c(dat$attr$fatTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
+    }
+    # Output ------------------------------------------------------------------
+    if (at == 2) {
+        dat$epi$a.flow <- c(0, totArrivals)
+        dat$epi$a.e.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
+        dat$epi$a.i.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
+        dat$epi$a.q.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
+    } else {
+        dat$epi$a.flow[at] <- totArrivals
+        dat$epi$a.e.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
+        dat$epi$a.i.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
+        dat$epi$a.q.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
+    }
+    if (length(totArrivals.g2) > 0 && dat$param$groups == 2) {
+        if (at == 2) {
+            dat$epi$a.flow.g2 <- c(0, totArrivals.g2)
+            dat$epi$a.e.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.e.g2)
+            dat$epi$a.i.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.i.g2)
+            dat$epi$a.q.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.q.g2)
+        } else {
+            dat$epi$a.flow.g2[at] <- totArrivals.g2
+            dat$epi$a.e.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.e.g2)
+            dat$epi$a.i.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.i.g2)
+            dat$epi$a.q.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.q.g2)
+        }
+    }
+    return(dat)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/FUN_arrivals.R b/R/FUN_arrivals.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5488e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/FUN_arrivals.R
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#' Arrivals function
+#' Function to handel background demographics for the SEIQHRF model.
+#' Specifically arrivals (births and immigration). Uses the original EpiModel
+#' code currently. A replacement that implements modelling the arrival of
+#' infected individuals is under development -- but for now, all arrivals
+#' go into the S compartment..
+#' @param dat Input data needed.
+#' @param at time point
+#' @param seed random seed for checking consistency
+#' @return Updated dat
+#' @export
+arrivals.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
+  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
+  # Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------
+  if (!dat$param$vital) return(dat)
+  # Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  a.rate <- dat$param$a.rate
+  a.prop.e <- dat$param$a.prop.e
+  a.prop.i <- dat$param$a.prop.i
+  a.prop.q <- dat$param$a.prop.q
+  a.rand <- dat$control$a.rand
+  groups <- dat$param$groups
+  nOld <- dat$epi$num[at - 1]
+  type <- dat$control$type
+  nsteps <- dat$control$nsteps
+  a.rate.g2 <- dat$param$a.rate.g2
+  a.prop.e.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.e.g2
+  a.prop.i.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.i.g2
+  a.prop.q.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.q.g2
+  # Process: partition arrivals into compartments -----------------------------------------------------------------
+  nArrivals <- ifelse(a.rand, sum(stats::rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate)), round(nOld * a.rate))
+  nArrivals.e <- round(nArrivals * ifelse(length(a.prop.e) > 1, a.prop.e[at], a.prop.e))
+  nArrivals.i <- round(nArrivals * ifelse(length(a.prop.i) > 1, a.prop.i[at], a.prop.i))
+  nArrivals.q <- round(nArrivals * ifelse(length(a.prop.q) > 1, a.prop.q[at], a.prop.q))
+  totArrivals <- nArrivals.e + nArrivals.i + nArrivals.q
+  dat$attr$active <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$group <- c(dat$attr$group, rep(1, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$status <- c(dat$attr$status,
+                       rep("e", nArrivals.e),
+                       rep("i", nArrivals.i),
+                       rep("q", nArrivals.q))
+  dat$attr$expTime <- c(dat$attr$expTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$quarTime <- c(dat$attr$quarTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$hospTime <- c(dat$attr$ihospTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$recovTime <- c(dat$attr$recovTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  dat$attr$fatTime <- c(dat$attr$fatTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
+  # Output ------------------------------------------------------------------
+  if (at == 2) {
+    dat$epi$a.flow <- c(0, totArrivals)
+    dat$epi$a.e.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
+    dat$epi$a.i.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
+    dat$epi$a.q.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
+  } else {
+    dat$epi$a.flow[at] <- totArrivals
+    dat$epi$a.e.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
+    dat$epi$a.i.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
+    dat$epi$a.q.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
+  }
+  return(dat)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/crosscheck.seiqhrf.R b/R/crosscheck.seiqhrf.R
index 2101c43..5f4a726 100644
--- a/R/crosscheck.seiqhrf.R
+++ b/R/crosscheck.seiqhrf.R
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ crosscheck.seiqhrf.icm <- function(param, init, control) {
-        ## Check param (modified from infection.FUN) -------------------------------------
-        check_list <- c("act.rate.i", "inf.prob.i")
+        ## Check param (modified from infection.FUN and arrivals.FUN) -------------------------------------
+        check_list <- c("act.rate.i", "inf.prob.i", "a.rate", "a.prop.e", "a.prop.i", "a.prop.q")
         if(control$type %in% c("SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) check_list<- c(check_list, "quar.rate", "disch.rate", "act.rate.e", "inf.prob.e", "act.rate.q", "inf.prob.q")
         check_idx <- which(names(param) %in% check_list)
diff --git a/R/mod_vital.R b/R/mod_vital.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d7f7b..0000000
--- a/R/mod_vital.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#' Arrivals function
-#' Function to handel background demographics for the SEIQHRF model.
-#' Specifically arrivals (births and immigration). Uses the original EpiModel
-#' code currently. A replacement that implements modelling the arrival of
-#' infected individuals is under development -- but for now, all arrivals
-#' go into the S compartment..
-#' @param dat Input data needed.
-#' @param at Not sure???
-#' @return Updated dat
-#' @export
-arrivals.FUN <- function(dat, at) {
-  # Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------
-  if (dat$param$vital == FALSE) {
-    return(dat)
-  }
-  # Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
-  a.rate <- dat$param$a.rate
-  a.rate.g2 <- dat$param$a.rate.g2
-  a.rand <- dat$control$a.rand
-  groups <- dat$param$groups
-  nOld <- dat$epi$num[at - 1]
-  # checking params, should be in control.icm or params.icm eventually
-  type <- dat$control$type
-  nsteps <- dat$control$nsteps
-  if (!(length(a.rate) == 1 || length(a.rate == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.rate must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  if (!is.null(a.rate.g2) &&
-      !(length(a.rate.g2) == 1 || length(a.rate.g2 == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.rate.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.e <- dat$param$a.prop.e
-  if (!(length(a.prop.e) == 1 || length(a.prop.e == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.e must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.i <- dat$param$a.prop.i
-  if (!(length(a.prop.i) == 1 || length(a.prop.i == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.i must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.q <- dat$param$a.prop.q
-  if (!(length(a.prop.q) == 1 || length(a.prop.q == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.q must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.e.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.e.g2
-  if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2) &&
-      !(length(a.prop.e.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.e.g2 == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.e.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.i.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.i.g2
-  if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2) &&
-      !(length(a.prop.i.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.i.g2 == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.i.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  a.prop.q.g2 <- dat$param$a.prop.q.g2
-  if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2) &&
-      !(length(a.prop.q.g2) == 1 || length(a.prop.q.g2 == nsteps))) {
-    stop("Length of a.prop.q.g2 must be 1 or the value of nsteps")
-  }
-  # Process -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  nArrivals <- nArrivals.g2 <- 0
-  if (groups == 1) {
-    if (a.rand == TRUE) {
-      nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
-    }
-    if (a.rand == FALSE) {
-      nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
-    }
-  }
-  if (groups == 2) {
-    nOldG2 <- dat$epi$num.g2[at - 1]
-    if (a.rand == TRUE) {
-      if ( {
-        nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
-        nArrivals.g2 <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
-      } else {
-        nArrivals <- sum(rbinom(nOld, 1, a.rate))
-        nArrivals.g2 <- sum(rbinom(nOldG2, 1, a.rate.g2))
-      }
-    }
-    if (a.rand == FALSE) {
-      if ( {
-        nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
-        nArrivals.g2 <- round(nOld * a.rate)
-      } else {
-        nArrivals <- round(nOld * a.rate)
-        nArrivals.g2 <- round(nOldG2 * a.rate.g2)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ## Set attributes
-  totArrivals <- 0
-  totArrivals.g2 <- 0
-  # partition arrivals into compartments
-  if (length(a.prop.e) > 1) {
-    nArrivals.e <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.e[at]))
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.e
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
-    }
-  } else {
-    nArrivals.e <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.e)
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.e
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.e.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.e.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.e.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.e.g2
-    }
-  }
-  if (length(a.prop.i) > 1) {
-    nArrivals.i <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.i[at]))
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.i
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
-    }
-  } else {
-    nArrivals.i <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.i)
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.i
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.i.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.i.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.i.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.i.g2
-    }
-  }
-  if (length(a.prop.q) > 1) {
-    nArrivals.q <- round(nArrivals*(a.prop.q[at]))
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.q
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2[at]))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
-    }
-  } else {
-    nArrivals.q <- round(nArrivals*a.prop.q)
-    totArrivals <- totArrivals + nArrivals.q
-    if (!is.null(a.prop.q.g2)) {
-      nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
-    } else {
-      nArrivals.q.g2 <- round(nArrivals.g2*(a.prop.q.g2))
-      totArrivals.g2 <- totArrivals.g2 + nArrivals.q.g2
-    }
-  }
-  # debug
-  print("totArrivals:")
-  print(totArrivals)
-  print("totArrivals.g2:")
-  print(totArrivals.g2)
-  print("----")
-  # group 1
-  dat$attr$active <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$group <- c(dat$attr$group, rep(1, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$status <- c(dat$attr$status,
-                       rep("e", nArrivals.e),
-                       rep("i", nArrivals.i),
-                       rep("q", nArrivals.q),
-                       rep("s", totArrivals - nArrivals.e - nArrivals.i - nArrivals.q))
-  dat$attr$expTime <- c(dat$attr$expTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$quarTime <- c(dat$attr$quarTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$hospTime <- c(dat$attr$ihospTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$recovTime <- c(dat$attr$recovTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  dat$attr$fatTime <- c(dat$attr$fatTime, rep(NA, totArrivals))
-  # group 2
-  if (length(totArrivals.g2) > 0) {
-    dat$attr$active <- c(dat$attr$active, rep(1, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$group <- c(dat$attr$group, rep(2, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$status <- c(dat$attr$status,
-                         rep("e", nArrivals.e.g2),
-                         rep("i", nArrivals.i.g2),
-                         rep("q", nArrivals.q.g2),
-                         rep("s", totArrivals.g2 - nArrivals.e.g2 -
-                                   nArrivals.i.g2 - nArrivals.q.g2))
-    dat$attr$expTime <- c(dat$attr$expTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$infTime <- c(dat$attr$infTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$quarTime <- c(dat$attr$quarTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$hospTime <- c(dat$attr$ihospTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$recovTime <- c(dat$attr$recovTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-    dat$attr$fatTime <- c(dat$attr$fatTime, rep(NA, totArrivals.g2))
-  }
-  # Output ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  if (at == 2) {
-    dat$epi$a.flow <- c(0, totArrivals)
-    dat$epi$a.e.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
-    dat$epi$a.i.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
-    dat$epi$a.q.flow <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
-  } else {
-    dat$epi$a.flow[at] <- totArrivals
-    dat$epi$a.e.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.e)
-    dat$epi$a.i.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.i)
-    dat$epi$a.q.flow[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.q)
-  }
-  if (length(totArrivals.g2) > 0 && dat$param$groups == 2) {
-    if (at == 2) {
-      dat$epi$a.flow.g2 <- c(0, totArrivals.g2)
-      dat$epi$a.e.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.e.g2)
-      dat$epi$a.i.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.i.g2)
-      dat$epi$a.q.flow.g2 <- c(0, nArrivals.q.g2)
-    } else {
-      dat$epi$a.flow.g2[at] <- totArrivals.g2
-      dat$epi$a.e.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.e.g2)
-      dat$epi$a.i.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.i.g2)
-      dat$epi$a.q.flow.g2[at] <- c(0, nArrivals.q.g2)
-    }
-  }
-  return(dat)
diff --git a/man/arrivals.FUN.Rd b/man/arrivals.FUN.Rd
index 05bc137..c65ecb9 100644
--- a/man/arrivals.FUN.Rd
+++ b/man/arrivals.FUN.Rd
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/mod_vital.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/FUN_arrivals.R
 \title{Arrivals function}
-arrivals.FUN(dat, at)
+arrivals.FUN(dat, at, seed = NULL)
 \item{dat}{Input data needed.}
-\item{at}{Not sure???}
+\item{at}{time point}
+\item{seed}{random seed for checking consistency}
 Updated dat
diff --git a/man/departures.FUN.Rd b/man/departures.FUN.Rd
index 2231f95..4a8e952 100644
--- a/man/departures.FUN.Rd
+++ b/man/departures.FUN.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/departure.FUN.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/FUN_departures.R
 \title{Departures function}
diff --git a/man/infection.FUN.Rd b/man/infection.FUN.Rd
index 9be730e..22fdd15 100644
--- a/man/infection.FUN.Rd
+++ b/man/infection.FUN.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/infection.FUN.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/FUN_infection.R
 \title{Infection function}
diff --git a/man/recovery.FUN.Rd b/man/recovery.FUN.Rd
index 47e6150..7c5e74e 100644
--- a/man/recovery.FUN.Rd
+++ b/man/recovery.FUN.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/recovery.FUN.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/FUN_recovery.R
 \title{Progress icm}
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-arrivals.R b/tests/testthat/test-arrivals.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..523f7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-arrivals.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+test_that("Identical output as Churches' original function: arrivals.FUN", {
+    at <- 2
+    dat <-, set_param())
+    dat <-, list(dat, at)) 
+    dat <-, list(dat, at))
+    dat <-, list(dat, at))
+    No_seeds <- 10
+    seed_list <- sample(1:1000, No_seeds)
+    comp <- rep(NA, No_seeds)
+    i <- 1
+    for(seed in seed_list){
+        dat1 <-, list(dat, at, seed))
+        dat2 <-, list(dat, at, seed))
+        comp[i] <- identical(dat1, dat2)
+        i <- i + 1
+        rm(.Random.seed)
+    }
+    expect_equal(sum(comp), No_seeds)