index cb9f38c681feed5761007decbcc99256a7901d0d..d0ce1efca49f092268003da33ecf94b250c464a5 100644
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ Suggests:
-    testthat
+    testthat, 
+    devtools
 biocViews: Epidemiology, Software
 RoxygenNote: 7.1.0
 VignetteBuilder: knitr
diff --git a/R/recovery.FUN.R b/R/recovery.FUN.R
index eadc963886a13d83c25b0c90ccc913e76249834f..37af7406c7364ecce640893c8c92176c95ef30c5 100644
--- a/R/recovery.FUN.R
+++ b/R/recovery.FUN.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ update_status <- function(rate, rand, active, status, label, state, at, prog, ex
   smp_sz <- 0
   at_idx <- NULL
-  idsElig <- which(active == 1 & status == label)
+  idsElig <- which(active == 1 & status %in% label)
   nElig <- length(idsElig)
   if (nElig > 0) {
@@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ update_status <- function(rate, rand, active, status, label, state, at, prog, ex
     if (rand) {
       vecProg <- which(stats::rbinom(nElig, 1, rate) == 1)
       if (length(vecProg) > 0) {
-        idsProg <- idsElig[vecProg]
-        smp_sz <- length(idsProg)
-        status[idsProg] <- state
-        at_idx <- idsProg
+        at_idx <- idsElig[vecProg]
+        smp_sz <- length(at_idx)
+        status[at_idx] <- state
       do_sample <- TRUE
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ update_status <- function(rate, rand, active, status, label, state, at, prog, ex
         smp_prob <- NULL
         vecTimeSinceExp <- at - expTime[idsElig]
+        vecTimeSinceExp[is.na(vecTimeSinceExp)] <- 0
         gammaRatesElig <- stats::pweibull(vecTimeSinceExp, prog.dist.shape, scale=prog.dist.scale)
         smp_sz <- round(sum(gammaRatesElig[gElig == 1], na.rm=TRUE)) 
         smp_prob <- gammaRatesElig[gElig == 1]
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ update_status <- function(rate, rand, active, status, label, state, at, prog, ex
-        ids2bProg <- EpiModel::ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1], smp_sz, prob = smp_prob)
-        status[ids2bProg] <- state
-        at_idx <- ids2bProg
+        at_idx <- EpiModel::ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1], smp_sz, prob = smp_prob)
+        status[at_idx] <- state
@@ -63,13 +62,15 @@ update_status <- function(rate, rand, active, status, label, state, at, prog, ex
 #' @export
 recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
+  #cat("at: ", at, "\n")
   if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
-  # Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   if (!(dat$control$type %in% c("SIR", "SIS", "SEIR", "SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF"))) {
-  # Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   active <- dat$attr$active
   status <- dat$attr$status
@@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
   hospState <- "h"
   fatState <- "f"
-  # --- progress from exposed to infectious ----
+  # ------------------------- progress from exposed to infectious --------------------------
   res <- update_status(rate = dat$param$prog.rate,
                        rand = dat$control$prog.rand, 
-                       active, status, 
+                       active, dat$attr$status, 
                        label = "e", 
                        state =  "i", 
                        at, prog = TRUE, 
@@ -97,6 +98,8 @@ recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
   status <- res[[3]]
   dat$attr$status <- status
+  #cat("finished prog \n")
   if (type %in% c("SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
     # ----- quarantine ------- 
@@ -114,242 +117,110 @@ recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
     status <- res[[3]]
     dat$attr$status <- status
+    #cat("finished quarantine \n")
     # ----- need to be hospitalised -------
-    hosp.rand <- dat$control$hosp.rand
-    hosp.rate <- dat$param$hosp.rate
+    rate <- rep(dat$param$hosp.rate, 
+                sum(dat$attr$active == 1 & (dat$attr$status == "i" | dat$attr$status == "q")))
-    nHosp <- nHospG2 <- 0
-    idsElig <- which(active == 1 & (status == "i" | status == "q"))
-    nElig <- length(idsElig)
-    idsHosp <- numeric(0)
+    res <- update_status(rate,
+                         rand = dat$control$hosp.rand,
+                         active = dat$attr$active,
+                         status = dat$attr$status, 
+                         label = c("i", "q"), 
+                         state = "h", at, prog = FALSE)
-    if (nElig > 0) {
-      gElig <- group[idsElig]
-      rates <- hosp.rate
-      ratesElig <- rates[gElig]
-      if (hosp.rand) {
-        vecHosp <- which(stats::rbinom(nElig, 1, ratesElig) == 1)
-        if (length(vecHosp) > 0) {
-          idsHosp <- idsElig[vecHosp]
-          nHosp <- sum(group[idsHosp] == 1)
-          status[idsHosp] <- hospState
-        }
-      } else {
-        nHosp <- min(round(sum(ratesElig[gElig == 1])), sum(gElig == 1))
-        idsHosp <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1], nHosp)
-        status[idsHosp] <- hospState
-      }
-    }
+    nHosp <- res[[1]]
+    dat$attr$hospTime[res[[2]]] <- at
+    status <- res[[3]]
     dat$attr$status <- status
-    dat$attr$hospTime[idsHosp] <- at
-    # ----- discharge from need to be hospitalised -------
-    disch.rand <- dat$control$disch.rand
+    # cat("finished hospitalised \n")
+    # ------------------------- discharge from need to be hospitalised ---------------------------
+    recovState <- ifelse(type %in% c("SIR", "SEIR", "SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF"), "r", "s")
     disch.rate <- dat$param$disch.rate
-    disch.rate.g2 <- dat$param$disch.rate.g2
-    nDisch <- nDischG2 <- 0
-    idsElig <- which(active == 1 & status == "h")
-    nElig <- length(idsElig)
-    idsDisch <- numeric(0)
-    if (nElig > 0) {
-      gElig <- group[idsElig]
-      rates <- c(disch.rate, disch.rate.g2)
-      if (length(disch.rate) > 1) {
-          dcrate <- disch.rate[at]
-      } else {
-          dcrate <- disch.rate
-      }
-      if (length(disch.rate.g2) > 1) {
-          dcrate.g2 <- disch.rate.g2[at]
-      } else {
-          dcrate.g2 <- disch.rate.g2
-      }
-      rates <- c(dcrate, dcrate.g2)
-      ratesElig <- rates[gElig]
-      if (disch.rand == TRUE) {
-        vecDisch <- which(rbinom(nElig, 1, ratesElig) == 1)
-        if (length(vecDisch) > 0) {
-          idsDisch <- idsElig[vecDisch]
-          nDisch <- sum(group[idsDisch] == 1)
-          nDischG2 <- sum(group[idsDisch] == 2)
-          status[idsDisch] <- recovState
-        }
-      } else {
-        nDisch <- min(round(sum(ratesElig[gElig == 1])), sum(gElig == 1))
-        idsDisch <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1], nDisch)
-        status[idsDisch] <- recovState
-        if (groups == 2) {
-          nDischG2 <- min(round(sum(ratesElig[gElig == 2])), sum(gElig == 2))
-          idsDischG2 <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 2], nDischG2)
-          status[idsDischG2] <- recovState
-          idsDisch <- c(idsDisch, idsDischG2)
-        }
-      }
-    }
+    dcrate <- ifelse(length(disch.rate) > 1, disch.rate[at], disch.rate)
+    res <- update_status(rate = dcrate,
+                         rand = dat$control$disch.rand,
+                         active = dat$attr$active, 
+                         status = dat$attr$status,
+                         label = "h", 
+                         state = recovState, at, prog = FALSE)
+    nDisch <- res[[1]]
+    dat$attr$dischTime[res[[2]]] <- at
+    status <- res[[3]]
     dat$attr$status <- status
-    dat$attr$dischTime[idsDisch] <- at
-  }
-  # ----- recover -------
-  rec.rand <- dat$control$rec.rand
-  rec.rate <- dat$param$rec.rate
-  rec.rate.g2 <- dat$param$rec.rate.g2
-  rec.dist.scale <- dat$param$rec.dist.scale
-  rec.dist.shape <- dat$param$rec.dist.shape
-  rec.dist.scale.g2 <- dat$param$rec.dist.scale.g2
-  rec.dist.shape.g2 <- dat$param$rec.dist.shape.g2
-  nRecov <- nRecovG2 <- 0
-  idsElig <- which(active == 1 & (status == "i" | status == "q" | status == "h"))
-  nElig <- length(idsElig)
-  idsRecov <- numeric(0)
-  if (nElig > 0) {
-    gElig <- group[idsElig]
-    rates <- c(rec.rate, rec.rate.g2)
-    ratesElig <- rates[gElig]
-    if (rec.rand == TRUE) {
-      vecRecov <- which(rbinom(nElig, 1, ratesElig) == 1)
-      if (length(vecRecov) > 0) {
-        idsRecov <- idsElig[vecRecov]
-        nRecov <- sum(group[idsRecov] == 1)
-        nRecovG2 <- sum(group[idsRecov] == 2)
-        status[idsRecov] <- recovState
-      }
-    } else {
-      vecTimeSinceExp <- at - dat$attr$expTime[idsElig]
-      vecTimeSinceExp[is.na(vecTimeSinceExp)] <- 0
-      gammaRatesElig <- pweibull(vecTimeSinceExp, rec.dist.shape, scale=rec.dist.scale)
-      nRecov <- round(sum(gammaRatesElig[gElig == 1], na.rm=TRUE))
-      if (nRecov > 0) {
-        idsRecov <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1],
-                      nRecov, prob = gammaRatesElig[gElig == 1])
-        status[idsRecov] <- recovState
-        # debug
-        if (FALSE & at <= 30) {
-          print(paste("at:", at))
-          print("idsElig:")
-          print(idsElig[gElig == 1])
-          print("vecTimeSinceExp:")
-          print(vecTimeSinceExp[gElig == 1])
-          print("gammaRatesElig:")
-          print(gammaRatesElig)
-          print(paste("nRecov:",nRecov))
-          print(paste("sum of elig rates:", round(sum(gammaRatesElig[gElig == 1]))))
-          print(paste("sum(gElig == 1):", sum(gElig == 1)))
-          print("ids recovered:")
-          print(idsRecov)
-          print("probs of ids to be progressed:")
-          print(gammaRatesElig[which(idsElig %in% idsRecov)])
-          print("days since exposed of ids to be Recovered:")
-          print(vecTimeSinceExp[which(idsElig %in% idsRecov)])
-          print("------")
-        }
-      }
-      if (groups == 2) {
-        nRecovG2 <- round(sum(gammaRatesElig[gElig == 2], na.rm=TRUE))
-        if (nRecovG2 > 0) {
-          idsRecovG2 <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 2],
-                        nRecovG2, prob = gammaRatesElig[gElig == 2])
-          status[idsRecovG2] <- recovState
-          idsRecov <- c(idsRecov, idsRecovG2)
-        }
-      }
-    }
+    #cat("finished discharge \n")
+  # --------------------------------------- recover -------------------------------------------------
+  res <- update_status(rate = dat$param$rec.rate,
+                       rand = dat$control$rec.rand, 
+                       active, 
+                       status = dat$attr$status, 
+                       label = c("i", "q", "h"), 
+                       state = recovState, 
+                       at, prog = TRUE, 
+                       expTime = dat$attr$expTime, 
+                       prog.dist.scale = dat$param$rec.dist.scale,
+                       prog.dist.shape = dat$param$rec.dist.shape)
+  nRecov <- res[[1]]
+  dat$attr$recovTime[res[[2]]] <- at
+  status <- res[[3]]
   dat$attr$status <- status
-  dat$attr$recovTime[idsRecov] <- at
-  fatEnable <- TRUE
-  if (fatEnable & type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
-    # ----- case fatality -------
-    fat.rand <- dat$control$fat.rand
-    fat.rate.base <- dat$param$fat.rate.base
-    fat.rate.base.g2 <- dat$param$fat.rate.base.g2
-    fat.rate.base.g2 <- ifelse(is.null(fat.rate.base.g2),
-                               0, fat.rate.base.g2)
-    fat.rate.overcap <- dat$param$fat.rate.overcap
-    fat.rate.overcap.g2 <- dat$param$fat.rate.overcap.g2
-    fat.rate.overcap.g2 <- ifelse(is.null(fat.rate.overcap.g2),
-                                  0, fat.rate.overcap.g2)
-    hosp.cap <- dat$param$hosp.cap
-    fat.tcoeff <- dat$param$fat.tcoeff
-    nFat <- nFatG2 <- 0
+  # cat("finished recover \n")
+  if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
+    # -------------------------------------- case fatality ----------------------------------------
+    ## obtain rates
     idsElig <- which(active == 1 & status =="h")
-    nElig <- length(idsElig)
-    if (nElig > 0) {
+    if(length(idsElig) > 0){
+      hosp.cap <- dat$param$hosp.cap
+      rates <- dat$param$fat.rate.base
       gElig <- group[idsElig]
       timeInHospElig <- at - dat$attr$hospTime[idsElig]
-      rates <- c(fat.rate.base, fat.rate.base.g2)
       h.num.yesterday <- 0
       if (!is.null(dat$epi$h.num[at - 1])) {
         h.num.yesterday <- dat$epi$h.num[at - 1]
         if (h.num.yesterday > hosp.cap) {
-          blended.rate <- ((hosp.cap * fat.rate.base) +
-                ((h.num.yesterday - hosp.cap) * fat.rate.overcap)) /
-                  h.num.yesterday
-          blended.rate.g2 <- ((hosp.cap * fat.rate.base.g2) +
-                ((h.num.yesterday - hosp.cap) * fat.rate.overcap.g2)) /
-                  h.num.yesterday
-          rates <- c(blended.rate, blended.rate.g2)
+          blended.rate <- ((hosp.cap * rates) +
+                             ((h.num.yesterday - hosp.cap) * dat$param$fat.rate.overcap)) /
+            h.num.yesterday
+          rates <- blended.rate
       ratesElig <- rates[gElig]
-      ratesElig <- ratesElig + timeInHospElig*fat.tcoeff*ratesElig
-      if (fat.rand == TRUE) {
-        vecFat <- which(rbinom(nElig, 1, ratesElig) == 1)
-        if (length(vecFat) > 0) {
-          idsFat <- idsElig[vecFat]
-          nFat <- sum(group[idsFat] == 1)
-          nFatG2 <- sum(group[idsFat] == 2)
-          status[idsFat] <- fatState
-          dat$attr$fatTime[idsFat] <- at
-        }
-      } else {
-        nFat <- min(round(sum(ratesElig[gElig == 1])), sum(gElig == 1))
-        idsFat <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 1], nFat)
-        status[idsFat] <- fatState
-        dat$attr$fatTime[idsFat] <- at
-        if (groups == 2) {
-          nFatG2 <- min(round(sum(ratesElig[gElig == 2])), sum(gElig == 2))
-          idsFatG2 <- ssample(idsElig[gElig == 2], nFatG2)
-          status[idsFatG2] <- fatState
-          dat$attr$fatTime[idsFatG2] <- at
-        }
-      }
+      ratesElig <- ratesElig + timeInHospElig*dat$param$fat.tcoeff*ratesElig
+    res <- update_status(rate = ratesElig,
+                         rand = dat$control$fat.rand,
+                         active = dat$attr$active, 
+                         status = dat$attr$status,
+                         label = "h", 
+                         state = "f", at, prog = FALSE)
+    nFat <- res[[1]]
+    if(!is.null(res[[2]])) dat$attr$fatTime[res[[2]]] <- at
+    status <- res[[3]]
     dat$attr$status <- status
+    #cat("finished fatality \n")
   # Output ------------------------------------------------------------------
   outName_a <- ifelse(type %in% c("SIR", "SEIR"), "ir.flow", "is.flow")
-  outName_a[2] <- paste0(outName_a, ".g2")
   if (type %in% c("SEIR", "SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
     outName_b <- "ei.flow"
-    outName_b[2] <- paste0(outName_b, ".g2")
   if (type %in% c("SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
     outName_c <- "iq.flow"
-    outName_c[2] <- paste0(outName_c, ".g2")
     outName_d <- "iq2h.flow"
-    outName_d[2] <- paste0(outName_d, ".g2")
   if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
     outName_e <- "hf.flow"
-    outName_e[2] <- paste0(outName_e, ".g2")
   ## Summary statistics
   if (at == 2) {
@@ -361,7 +232,7 @@ recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
       dat$epi[[outName_c[1]]] <- c(0, nQuar)
       dat$epi[[outName_d[1]]] <- c(0, nHosp)
-    if (fatEnable & type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
+    if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
       dat$epi[[outName_e[1]]] <- c(0, nFat)
   } else {
@@ -373,37 +244,10 @@ recovery.FUN <- function(dat, at, seed = NULL) {
       dat$epi[[outName_c[1]]][at] <- nQuar
       dat$epi[[outName_d[1]]][at] <- nHosp
-    if (fatEnable & type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
+    if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
       dat$epi[[outName_e[1]]][at] <- nFat
-  if (groups == 2) {
-    if (at == 2) {
-      dat$epi[[outName_a[2]]] <- c(0, nRecovG2)
-      if (type %in% c("SEIR", "SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_b[2]]] <- c(0, nProgG2)
-      }
-      if (type %in% c("SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_c[2]]] <- c(0, nQuarG2)
-        dat$epi[[outName_d[2]]] <- c(0, nHospG2)
-      }
-      if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_e[2]]] <- c(0, nFatG2)
-      }
-    } else {
-      dat$epi[[outName_a[2]]][at] <- nRecovG2
-      if (type %in% c("SEIR", "SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_b[2]]][at] <- nProgG2
-      }
-      if (type %in% c("SEIQHR", "SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_c[2]]][at] <- nQuarG2
-        dat$epi[[outName_d[2]]][at] <- nHospG2
-      }
-      if (type %in% c("SEIQHRF")) {
-        dat$epi[[outName_e[2]]][at] <- nFatG2
-      }
-    }
-  }