index f3581ec089d72c72214418ae2cbb3cc0e4a66be8..554bc87e0ae012089ff89f510c7eafd8af824ef0 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: splatter
 Type: Package
 Title: Simple Simulation of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data
-Date: 2019-07-16
+Date: 2019-07-17
 Author: Luke Zappia
     c(person("Luke", "Zappia", role = c("aut", "cre"),
index afefae4ef096ed0ae1e27f2d97cf1cc958a476c8..769ee81c6ea38101b7d8a95502412efc2fb6f13c 100644
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ importFrom(methods,slotNames)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index db32f1f77f85cfbef0050219f46ed98e934d1c10..f3095ecd182dbb4f8ca0d30fe522a91b3c09eb93 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+### Version (2019-07-17)
+* Topologically sort paths
+* Add library size parameters
+* Simulate cell means
 ### Version (2019-07-16)
 * Add paths parameters
diff --git a/R/AllClasses.R b/R/AllClasses.R
index 35fc2afedc9b42d876e045a9680330fa20ffeae0..e497256691177e8669471ef58dcaf57b0cebcf63 100644
--- a/R/AllClasses.R
+++ b/R/AllClasses.R
@@ -290,6 +290,22 @@ setClass("SplatParams",
 #'             structure.}
 #'         }
 #'     }
+#'     \item{\emph{Library size parameters}}{
+#'         \describe{
+#'             \item{\code{lib.loc}}{Location (meanlog) parameter for the
+#'             library size log-normal distribution, or mean parameter if a
+#'             normal distribution is used.}
+#'             \item{\code{lib.scale}}{Scale (sdlog) parameter for the library
+#'             size log-normal distribution, or sd parameter if a normal
+#'             distribution is used.}
+#'         }
+#'     }
+#'     \item{\emph{Paths parameters}}{
+#'         \describe{
+#'             \item{\code{[cells.design]}}{data.frame describing cell
+#'             structure.}
+#'         }
+#'     }
 #' }
 #' The parameters not shown in brackets can be estimated from real data using
@@ -310,7 +326,10 @@ setClass("SplotchParams",
                    network.regsSet = "logical",
                    paths.nPrograms = "numeric",
                    paths.design = "data.frame",
-                   paths.means = "list"),
+                   paths.means = "list",
+                   lib.loc = "numeric",
+                   lib.scale = "numeric",
+                   cells.design = "data.frame"),
          prototype = prototype(mean.rate = 0.3,
                                mean.shape = 0.6,
                                mean.values = numeric(),
@@ -323,7 +342,15 @@ setClass("SplotchParams",
                                    From = 0,
                                    Steps = 100
-                               paths.means = list()))
+                               paths.means = list(),
+                               lib.loc = 11,
+                               lib.scale = 0.2,
+                               cells.design = data.frame(
+                                   Path = 1,
+                                   Probability = 1,
+                                   Alpha = 0,
+                                   Beta = 1
+                               )))
 #' The LunParams class
diff --git a/R/SplotchParams-methods.R b/R/SplotchParams-methods.R
index 53ab2977c80c617f0116913b549f50f4430ab28b..263e384a0b9718ca6e3678d148d977eaa5e152bd 100644
--- a/R/SplotchParams-methods.R
+++ b/R/SplotchParams-methods.R
@@ -33,7 +33,15 @@ setValidity("SplotchParams", function(object) {
                                                          types = "numeric",
                                                          any.missing = FALSE,
                                                          min.rows = 1,
-                                                         ncols = 3))
+                                                         ncols = 3),
+                lib.loc = checkNumber(v$lib.loc),
+                lib.scale = checkNumber(v$lib.scale, lower = 0),
+                cells.design = checkmate::checkDataFrame(v$cells.design,
+                                                         types = "numeric",
+                                                         any.missing = FALSE,
+                                                         nrows = nrow(
+                                                             v$paths.design),
+                                                         ncols = 4))
     if (!checkmate::testNumeric(v$mean.values, len = 0)) {
         checks <- c(checks,
@@ -73,6 +81,27 @@ setValidity("SplotchParams", function(object) {
                                                        names = "unique"))
+    if (!all(colnames(v$cells.design) == c("Path", "Probability", "Alpha",
+                                           "Beta"))) {
+        checks <- c(checks, cells.design = "Incorrect column names")
+    } else {
+        if (!all(sort(v$cells.design$Path) == sort(v$paths.design$Path))) {
+            checks <- c(checks,
+                        cells.design = "Path names don't match paths.design")
+        }
+        if (sum(v$cells.design$Probability) != 1) {
+            checks <- c(checks, cells.design = "Probability must sum to 1")
+        }
+        checks <- c(checks,
+                    "cells.design$Alpha" = checkmate::checkNumeric(
+                        v$cells.design$Alpha,
+                        lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE))
+        checks <- c(checks,
+                    "cells.design$Beta" = checkmate::checkNumeric(
+                        v$cells.design$Beta,
+                        lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE))
+    }
     if (all(checks == TRUE)) {
         valid <- TRUE
     } else {
@@ -97,6 +126,10 @@ setMethod("show", "SplotchParams", function(object) {
     pp.paths <- list("Paths:" = c("[nPrograms]" = "paths.nPrograms",
                                   "[Design]"  = "paths.design"))
+    pp.bot <- list("Library size:" = c("(Location)" = "lib.loc",
+                                       "(Scale)"  = "lib.scale"),
+                   "Cells:"        = c("[Design]" = "cells.design"))
     paths.means <- getParam(object, "paths.means")
     if (length(paths.means) == 0) {
         pp.paths[[1]] <- c(pp.paths[[1]], "[Means]*" = "paths.means")
@@ -130,9 +163,11 @@ setMethod("show", "SplotchParams", function(object) {
     if (length(paths.means) != 0) {
-            "List of", length(paths.means), "matrices"
+            "List of", length(paths.means), "matrices\n\n"
+    showPP(object, pp.bot)
 #' @rdname setParam
@@ -185,6 +220,15 @@ setMethod("setParam", "SplotchParams", function(object, name, value) {
         stop("network.regsSet can not be set manually")
+    if (name == "paths.design" &&
+        (nrow(value) != nrow(getParam(object, "paths.design")))) {
+        warning("cells.design reset to match paths.design")
+        cells.design <- data.frame(Path = value$Path,
+                                   Probability = 1 / nrow(value),
+                                   Alpha = 0, Beta = 1)
+        object <- setParamUnchecked(object, "cells.design", cells.design)
+    }
     object <- callNextMethod()
@@ -197,7 +241,7 @@ setMethod("setParams", "SplotchParams", function(object, update = NULL, ...) {
     update <- c(update, list(...))
-    update <- bringItemsForward(update, c("network.graph"))
+    update <- bringItemsForward(update, c("network.graph", "paths.design"))
     object <- callNextMethod(object, update)
diff --git a/R/splotch-simulate.R b/R/splotch-simulate.R
index e91e4b75facbc306aaa9463b70d1659b229cd1d0..9bf54b9974f17cdf874bbb950a3077fe3b82c3c4 100644
--- a/R/splotch-simulate.R
+++ b/R/splotch-simulate.R
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #' @export
 #' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
+#' @importFrom stats dbeta
 splotchSimulate <- function(params = newSplotchParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
     checkmate::assertClass(params, "SplotchParams")
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ splotchSimulate <- function(params = newSplotchParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
     # Generate paths
+    if (verbose) {message("Simulating paths...")}
     paths.design <- getParam(params, "paths.design")
     network.graph <- getParam(params, "network.graph")
     network.weights <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(network.graph,
@@ -68,7 +70,15 @@ splotchSimulate <- function(params = newSplotchParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
                                nrow = network.nRegs, ncol = paths.nPrograms)
     paths.changes <- vector("list", nrow(paths.design))
     paths.factors <- vector("list", nrow(paths.design))
-    for (path in seq_len(nrow(paths.design))) {
+    paths.graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(paths.design)
+    paths.order <- names(igraph::topo_sort(paths.graph, mode = "in"))
+    paths.order <- as.numeric(paths.order)
+    # The origin is not a path
+    paths.order <- paths.order[paths.order != 0]
+    for (path in paths.order) {
+        if (verbose) {message("Simulating path ", path, "...")}
         nSteps <- paths.design$Steps[path]
         from <- paths.design$From[path]
         changes <- matrix(0, nrow = nGenes, ncol = nSteps + 1)
@@ -104,7 +114,54 @@ splotchSimulate <- function(params = newSplotchParams(), verbose = TRUE, ...) {
     names(paths.means) <- paste0("Path", paths.design$Path)
     params <- setParam(params, "paths.means", paths.means)
-    # Simulate base gene means
+    if (verbose) {message("Simulating library sizes...")}
+    nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
+    lib.loc <- getParam(params, "lib.loc")
+    lib.scale <- getParam(params, "lib.scale")
+    lib.sizes <- rlnorm(nCells, lib.loc, lib.scale)
+    if (verbose) {message("Simulating cell means...")}
+    nCells <- getParam(params, "nCells")
+    cells.design <- getParam(params, "cells.design")
+    cells.paths <- sample(cells.design$Path, nCells, replace = TRUE,
+                          prob = cells.design$Probability)
+    paths.design <- getParam(params, "paths.design")
+    paths.cells.design <- merge(paths.design, cells.design)
+    steps.probs <- apply(paths.cells.design, 1, function(path) {
+        steps <- path["Steps"]
+        dens <- dbeta(seq(0, 1, length.out = steps),
+                      path["Alpha"], path["Beta"])
+        # Adjust for infinite values at edge of distribution
+        dens.inf <- !is.finite(dens)
+        if (any(dens.inf) && all(dens[!dens.inf] == 0)) {
+            dens[dens.inf] <- 1
+        }
+        if (!is.finite(dens[1])) {
+            dens[1] <- 1.1 * dens[2]
+        }
+        if (!is.finite(dens[steps])) {
+            dens[steps] <- 1.1 * dens[steps - 1]
+        }
+        probs <- dens / sum(dens)
+        # Return a list to avoid getting a matrix if all path lengths are equal
+        return(list(probs))
+    })
+    # Remove unnecessary list level
+    steps.probs <- lapply(steps.probs, "[[", 1)
+    names(steps.probs) <- paths.cells.design$Path
+    cells.steps <- sapply(cells.paths, function(path) {
+        probs <- steps.probs[[path]]
+        step <- sample(1:length(probs), 1, prob = probs)
+        return(step)
+    })
+    cells.means <- sapply(seq_len(nCells), function(cell) {
+        path <- cells.paths[cell]
+        step <- cells.steps[cell]
+        means <- paths.means[[path]][, step]
+        return(means)
+    })
     # sim <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = counts),
     #                             rowData = features,
diff --git a/man/SplotchParams.Rd b/man/SplotchParams.Rd
index 20c32bd729d61f6b839ca59272606efb88fb8d8c..3c437d2a0e6203122d040fdeff9e74f96982e67b 100644
--- a/man/SplotchParams.Rd
+++ b/man/SplotchParams.Rd
@@ -40,6 +40,22 @@ The Splotch simulation uses the following parameters:
+    \item{\emph{Library size parameters}}{
+        \describe{
+            \item{\code{lib.loc}}{Location (meanlog) parameter for the
+            library size log-normal distribution, or mean parameter if a
+            normal distribution is used.}
+            \item{\code{lib.scale}}{Scale (sdlog) parameter for the library
+            size log-normal distribution, or sd parameter if a normal
+            distribution is used.}
+        }
+    }
+    \item{\emph{Paths parameters}}{
+        \describe{
+            \item{\code{[cells.design]}}{data.frame describing cell
+            structure.}
+        }
+    }
 The parameters not shown in brackets can be estimated from real data using